For any of you that would like to load for the 32/35 Stevens. I worked with this caliber for more than 5 years. It's a wonderful all around cartridge. I shot smokless ASSRA matches, BP matches and CBA matches with it. It did either very well or excelled in all of them. The gun was a Hoch that I reworked, barreled with a straight octigon Douglas barrel of .308 groove dia. 14 twist, 26" lg and chambered with my own reamer. All BSed smokeless loads were with Darr lube and a 1.165 lg tapered Ron Long spitzer cast in 22-24/1 alloy. Same with BP but with my own lube. CBA loads were fixed GC loads, 2 ww/1 lino, using 30% lithium in beeswax for lube. My BP lube was equal parts par, vas, bw & Crisco. GC primers were Fed210. CBA load 26.0gr AA2520 2027 fps, 170gr Saeco TP, 2.9 SD, 7 ES 27.0gr 2015 fps, 187gr RCBS 180 FN, 9 SD, 22 ES This case has about 2.2 cc vol. about what the 30 PPC has. Smokeless BS 11.5gr WC 820 1446 fps, 9.3 SD, 32 ES (Fed210) 12.0gr IMR4227 1423 fps, 8.3 SD, 24 ES (Fed150) 13.0gr WW 296 1460 fps, 8.9 SD, 30 ES (Fed150) BP 5.0gr 4759/30gr F 1523fps 39.1 SD, 90 ES Fed 30 American Case F100 primer Darr lube was 1373 fps, 1/2 the ES but .2" larger groups @ 100 yds. I know .312 is the std groove but, I wanted .308. I'm not a purest but, I am a traditionalist. QC in thoses days wasn't that great, anyway LOL