Bob, your #7 pretty much copies the original Remington #1 extractor for .22.
Here's my extractor system for my Swedish shotgun RB, converted to .45-9 with a .22 liner. Just a tiny groove in the top of the liner face to allow the screwdriver to pry the shell out. Works excellent, has shot thousands of rounds.
(You need to Login or Register to view media files and links) (You need to Login or Register to view media files and links) Here's an original #1 rolling block.
(You need to Login or Register to view media files and links) (You need to Login or Register to view media files and links) And, the breech block and extractor for another #1 RB, that was originally .22 rf, I rebarreled it to .45-90, but kept the original block and extractor to use with .22. I haven't made a liner for it that will take the extractor, have just used the liner shown for the other rifle instead. I should make a liner up someday, just for completeness sake. Only take a couple of hours tops to do.
(You need to Login or Register to view media files and links) I'd love to have a full size dedicated #1 .22 RB. I hate having nice enough originals that I don't want to alter them. The one I showed above is too good to put a liner in and use, but useless in it's rebored .25-10 rf configuration now. A liner would take it back to original .22, but ruin it's history of being sent out as a .22, and later rebored and remarked to .25-10.
I also have a small bore rolling block shotgun sporter original that I'd love to convert to a .22. But as essentially the only original #1 sporter shotgun example I've ever seen, I can't make myself part it out.
I parted out and rebuilt two rf rolling blocks that weren't in as nice a condition years go; I would like to have one now to rebuild as a nice .22. One is my backup .45-90, that I showed the block above. The other I traded to Whitey Hanson, and I believe it ended up with Vall as his .40-70.
I have plenty of actions, I think I'll make one up someday into a .22. I could utilize the original .22 RF block I showed above. I have a few original sporter actions, could utilize one of them.