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Normal Topic lead bullet jump (Read 259 times)
John Schluter
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lead bullet jump
Sep 2nd, 2024 at 6:12pm
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I've used some downtime to reload for my 243 Win. This involved carefully controlling the bullet jump to the lands. This got me to thinking (despite the pain it caused). I've read very little on the subject of bullet jump with lead bullets. Is this because it's been deemed a non-issue or, possibly it's too barrel/gun specific. It's discussed routinely in the jacketed bullet crowd, but I find VERY few mentions in the cast bullet users. Why?
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Frequent Elocutionist

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Re: lead bullet jump
Reply #1 - Sep 2nd, 2024 at 6:33pm
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Bullet jump is a HUGE factor in cast bullet shooting  Smiley Whether breech seated or fixed ammo, bullet jump (or lack thereof) is a significant factor. Cast bullet fixed ammo can have the bullet backed off the rifling a thou or so, or have the front bearing band engaged with the rifling. Beech seating on the other hand is fully engaged in the rifling but the precise depth plays a real role in achieving the best accuracy.

Randy W
ASSRA 10211  -  ISSA 125
There are indeed two Americas. Simply put, it is not the haves and have nots. The two Americans are in reality divided into those who do and those who don't.
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