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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55 (Read 14392 times)
John Taylor
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Re: New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55
Reply #15 - Oct 19th, 2010 at 6:28pm
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The 44 was factory made in 32-40 and 38-55 but had the added hammer block. It didn't work to great and not many were made that way. The only ones I have seen were very loose. The hammer block is a small protrusion on the hammer that goes under the breach block, sort of like a rolling block does. Never saw one that I would feel comfortable shooting. It is my opinion that the largest cartridge on a 44 would be a 25-20 or 32-20. both should have the same bolt thrust. Just so you will understand, bolt thrust for the 25-20/32-20 is about 1,534. Bolt thrust for the 32-40 and 38-55 is about 4,154. This is using SAAMI pressure levels for the cartridges.
The one that was sent to me for reline back to 25-20 had been rechambered to 25-35. It's a wonder someone didn't get killed with this one. Along with it was another block that had been welded together. I made a new block from heat treated 4140. The new block is off for blue so I don't have a picture of it yet.


John Taylor   Machinist/gunsmith
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Re: New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55
Reply #16 - Oct 19th, 2010 at 9:40pm
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Hi John,
I respectfully submit that your bolt  thrust pressures are based on entirely different pressure levels. My info gives the 32/20 at 17,700 cup and the current 38/55 is the HV level of 33,200 cup. 44's were never made to the HV spec. The 32/20 case head area is right at .66 of the 38/55 or to put it the other way the 38/55 has head with 1.515  more area than 32/20. Given those numbers, the bolt thrust would be 2324 pounds bolt thrust with both cartridges at your pressure level for the 32/20.

That said, I do agree with your maximum case head size for longevity of the action.

I bought my 32/40 in '85, my very first single shot. It has the hammer block that bares on the squared off firing pin it's self and it's a 7 o'clock extractor ser.# 10,551. I knew nothing of singles shots at that time accept that I loved them. So, I went out and bought a box of John Wayne ammo and sighted it in  Embarrassed I've fired no more than 200 rounds of the loads I listed above in this thread and it's still as tight as it was when i bought it, John Wayne loads and all. I have to say that it was in as new condition when i bought, all blueing and color caseing in tack and the barrel like new inside and out.

Very respectfully,


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Re: New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55
Reply #17 - Oct 19th, 2010 at 9:43pm
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Re: New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55
Reply #18 - Oct 20th, 2010 at 6:58pm
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Well, I need to thank all of you for your encouragement to not fire this rifle.  I was actually thinking of shooting it.   I may decide to sell it after all since it has been re-blued, and I can't shoot it either.  That's two strikes against it.  If I do decide to sell, I will give consideration to those here who have expressesd some interest in it.  Thanks again.
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Re: New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55
Reply #19 - Oct 20th, 2010 at 8:35pm
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Powderhead, dont forget the ole resell rule of thumb. Double the price and hold your ground.  Make some money on it.  Nothing wrong with that. You have to consider the compensation for our mental anguish and other unknown expenses.   Undecided  After all it does have a nice new blue job on it. 

It's not a Pope, or a Pope Stevens, is it?  Huh 

           Joe.   Smiley

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John Taylor
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Re: New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55
Reply #20 - Oct 21st, 2010 at 6:18pm
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frnkeore, I'm trying to figure out where you came up with your numbers. SAAMI specs for the 32-20 is 16,000 psi and the 38-55 is 30,000.
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The area in front of the rim is the part used for figuring bolt thrust, sort of like hydraulic cylinders. You can't rely on the brass gripping the chamber walls to hold some of the pressure. While this will hold sometimes there is always a chance of case head separation.
To figure area the formula is Pi  R squared. Area for the 32-20 is .0983 X 16,000 = 1,574 pounds . Area for the 38-55 is .1395 X 30,000 = 4,184 pounds. 
The 25-35 that broke the breach block has a bolt thrust of 5,871
I know, my numbers are different from the first post. I used a different book for sizes.
Please except my apology if I'm way off base here.
By the way, that's a nice looking rifle.

John Taylor   Machinist/gunsmith
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Re: New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55
Reply #21 - Oct 21st, 2010 at 10:18pm
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Agree with your formula (did not check the numbers) and, in particular, the comment on brass gripping. Read somewhere you can use the inside diameter of the case at the base, i.e. subtract two times the case wall thickness from the diameter at the base. Now we get to the argument of PSI vs. CUP's. Would expect the PSI to be somewhat higher than CUP's in the .30 to .40 caliber range (maybe 10%). The method using outside diameter is fine, maybe somewhat conservative.
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Re: New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55
Reply #22 - Oct 21st, 2010 at 11:45pm
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As a basic guideline.........when loading "full case" charges of the correct grade of BP behind a bullet of normal weight for that caliber, you will not exceed a pressure of around 22,000 to 26000 psi (or CUP) and modern made replica guns can handle such pressures safely.

The preceeding may be found in the 4th paragraph  at

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The SAAMI pressure specs for the 38-55 from the link John kindly posted are 30,000 cup. The same pressure spec is listed for the 32-40.

The way I read it, the SAAMI compliant loads would be something akin to a +P or +P+ loading when used in the Stevens 44, so I'm not surprised that the old 44 actions loosened up or worse when fed a steady diet of SAAMI spec rounds. And didn't SAAMI show up some time after the 44 was designed?  Wink

It's important to know the original pressure level your firearm was designed for, and to load accordingly. 

Frank, that is a really nice 44! 
« Last Edit: Oct 21st, 2010 at 11:50pm by BP »  

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Re: New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55
Reply #23 - Oct 22nd, 2010 at 1:30am
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Thank you BP, 
I do love that gun, it was my first born so to speak.

Regarding my pressure info. I got it from the NRA Handloading book of 1981. The 38/55 pressure is on page 219 the 32/20 is on page 203. If you look on page 241 of the same book you'll find a reference to  16,000 cup called a standard velocity and one for 26,000 cup for the 1892 Win.

Chuckster is correct about the inside dia being what the calculations should be taken from. The only real way to do that is to cut the case and measure because of the thicking of the brass towards the head but, the sizes are relative so it correlates from one to the other.

The formual that I use is:
Dia squared x .7854 x pressure = cup pounds per sq inch. It's a standard formula for area. Same results as useing pi.

« Last Edit: Oct 22nd, 2010 at 2:25am by frnkeore »  

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Re: New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55
Reply #24 - Oct 22nd, 2010 at 2:35am
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I recognise your formula for area from engineering. The version I learned was   area = [ (dia squared)/4 ] x Pi
Your version just leaves dia squared as is and divides Pi by 4 to give the .7854 constant. We end up in the same place.  

Forgot to add in my previous post that your experience using a tight 44 in excellent condition with the John Wayne SAAMI level loads demonstrated that the action had at least some ability to handle pressures above its intended design criteria. The key of course is not to intrude into the design safety factor.


There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading, the few who learn by observation, and the rest who have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves.
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Re: New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55
Reply #25 - Oct 22nd, 2010 at 2:38am
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Just a quick note on SAAMI pressures. I've seen them change over the last 40+ years but, a lot in the last 15 years usually they always go down. A glaring example is the 44 mag going from 42,000 cup to 36,000 psi same with the 357 mag but they dropped it another 1,000

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John Taylor
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Re: New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55
Reply #26 - Oct 22nd, 2010 at 10:07am
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I worked in Hydraulics for years and figure the chamber wall like a cylinder and the brass like a piston. If there is a case separation in front of the rim then the whole area of the chamber diameter would be used, also if there is any lube on the brass that keeps it from clinging to the chamber wall, it would create the same effect. I know I probably figure worst case scenario but it only take one time to wreck your day or your life. Working with guns  daily I get to see a lot of failures and it scares me a bit.
Then there are people who just don't understand like the man that wanted me to put a 50 BMG on and old break open 10 gauge.
I hope I didn't offend anyone here but I would rather be on the safe side than the sorry side.

John Taylor   Machinist/gunsmith
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Joel Black
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Re: New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55
Reply #27 - Oct 23rd, 2010 at 2:46pm
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I own John Amber's Mod 44 (47) 32/40 w/ Pope breech loading and muzzle loading barrels. Since we both could (and did/do) shoot every day on our farms, the rifle has had many rounds though its barrels and is still as tight as when it left Chicopee Falls. That said, it has always been shot with standard lead bullet loads. As long as that recipe is followed, I think the 44 is fine with 32/40.
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John Taylor
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Re: New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55
Reply #28 - Oct 23rd, 2010 at 11:02pm
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Joel Black wrote on Oct 23rd, 2010 at 2:46pm:
I own John Amber's Mod 44 (47) 32/40 w/ Pope breech loading and muzzle loading barrels. Since we both could (and did/do) shoot every day on our farms, the rifle has had many rounds though its barrels and is still as tight as when it left Chicopee Falls. That said, it has always been shot with standard lead bullet loads. As long as that recipe is followed, I think the 44 is fine with 32/40.

I have had several 32-40s and 38-55s come through the shop, never saw one that I would want to shoot. They were all wore out and the hammer no longer held the breach up the way it was intended. Maybe the ones I see are sent to me because of the problems.  All of them looked really hammered. I don't know what types of loads were used in them over the years but many looked like they had been seeing to much pressure. I appears if one was properly treated it would hold up as yours has done.

John Taylor   Machinist/gunsmith
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Re: New blued mod 44 in 38 x 55
Reply #29 - Oct 27th, 2010 at 7:27am
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This discussion reminds me of the "all Damascus is unsafe" arguments in the shotgun world"! Hard to make anything fool proof, because fools are so damned ingenious.

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