Today was the day to start get to the tough radius. But, I thought I would start with how I did the setup for machining each of these radiuses. It took quite a bit of time but it was necessary in order to get these done using the method I used. Each one required starting from the beginning as explained next.
The first thing, in the setup, was to get the rotary table centered under the mill spindle, while the table was in the horizontal position on the mill. I won't get into the details of how this is done because it's one of those tedious jobs that must be done. Picture #1 shows the table centered up.
Then the mill table is offset on one axes to the desired radius. In this case I wanted 1.125 inch. Picture #2.
In order to clear the quill I had to raise the action frame 2 inches using blocks. Once on the blocks, I aligned the layout, scribed line on the side of the frame, with the center of the mill spindle using a pointer locked into a collect in the spindle. Picture 3 and 4 show the frame being lined up to the track the mill will take when actually cutting. The red lines highlight the track but, the scribed line is the actual track that mimics the radius to be cut on the inside.
By doing the above, I have the frame setup so that the full length of the scribed line is on the rotary table precisely 1.125 inch from the center of the table.
This is tough to explain so I hope everyone understands this!