Chuck, Could you explain why you don't like self centering devises? I bought mine new, about 30 years ago. It was made to do shafting and tubing. I put 1/4" steel, against the jaws, then the 1/2" aluminum jaws, capture it. There are two, heavy die springs, to take up any back lash and make for a smooth closure. I used two 1/2" dowel pins (one pressed and one slip fit) as additional alignment, to the two 1 1/4" shafts that the vise, itself runs on. When I set it up, I put a 1/4" parallel between the jaws and indicate the 1 1/4" wide area that holds the mold blocks. I pick up the edge of the aluminum jaw and dial over to where I want the cavity to be. When I get close to the jaws closing, I put a .010 feeler gauge, between the blocks and then open them and clear the chips and deburr the cavity. I replace that with a .005 gauge and do the same, before closing on the blocks to finish the cut. 2 jaw chucks, aren't expensive on Ebay and you can make a smaller version, using a 8" or 10" chuck. Use the dowels and die springs but, with the springs mounted on the dowels. If you get a Buck (adjustable) type chuck, you can also use it on the lathe, to cut cavity's. Frank