Years ago I looked at them, I thought it might be a good addition to the shop. Off hand, I believe I was less than impressed; more like trophy shop engraving; which, in my personal opinion, I don’t believe trophy shop type engraving belongs on a gun. In addition to the engraver, you also need to find to fonts, collets, cutters etc., the accessories can often exceed the cost of the machine. . Years ago, I became good friends with Ray Phillips (owner of NGraver Co.), he taught me a lot about engraving machines. If you want good results, you need to start looking at Deckels. Not cheap, but they can be found on the secondary market for a fraction of the original cost. Think $2000 vs. $20,000. For a one of, hand engraving is the way to go, a good engraver wouldn’t charge too much for such a small job, thing $3-$5 a letter, shipping might be the largest cost factor. Not sure why you dislike stamping, when done properly it looks excellent. I have custom stamps made to match the original factory markings; once stamped, polished and rust blued, it’s impossible to tell from an original factory marking. JS For quality stamps, I have them custom made, that way I get the exact size and font that I need. Price wise, it a bit more pricy than standard hardware grade stamps, but, they are exact.