I was telling my friend about the forum and he told me to drop by and look at a 'old, worthless' SF rifle he had. It was a 'wall hanger' decoration in his old living room.
I took the best pics I could.
Barrel is marked " J. Stevens A&T Co.
Chickopee Falls Mass U.S.A. Pat. APR. 17 94.
Half octagon/half round barrel 22-LONG RIFLF ( NOT A TYPO, WEAR MAYBE?) on the side.
Tang is marked W(?) 78 and is missing the screw for the stock.
Still takes apart easily into 2 pieces.
This was a 'slaughter gun' for killing pigs for sale on the family's farm. Someone used .22 shorts for this purpose and therefore it will not reliably extract .22 LR. He tried to sell it as a wall hanger at a gun show, but didn't let it go.
Any info you experts could share, and does this gun in this condition have any value, even as a 'parts' gun, or just a fill the barrel w/ concrete and use it for a decoration?
Imageshack album of this rifle. -->
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