Can't help you exactly, but I would check the muzzle crown, patina, and front sight, because if it's a Bubba job he usually leaves his signature somewhere.
Another thing you might check is the contour of the barrel. For example, on a Trapdoor the barrel tapers from breech to muzzle on both the carbine and rifle. So, if a rifle barrel is cut down to carbine length it will be much larger at the muzzle than it should, unless turned down on a lathe which involves considerably more effort and skill (see Bubba above).
John Gross
Quote:Looking at what seems to be a New York State Roller Carbine-- maybe!! The carbine itself is nice, wrist cartouche seems correct, forend is correct. Thing that has me puzzled is the rear site. This is not a carbine style flipper, but rather has base only, missing ladder and slider, like a rifle??
Now, while I have located a replacement NYS rear site, is this a cut down rifle? As I say, the forend is not cut down, and the only thing I find off-kilter is the rear site base. I have seen more than 1 carbine for sale that had holes for the rifle site, but a flipper. I don't recall whether the front site is dovetailed, or soldered, obviously need to look at this. HELP!!
Thanks, Doug