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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) seek 28-30 info (Read 14570 times)
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Re: seek 28-30 info
Reply #15 - Feb 26th, 2005 at 9:50pm
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      Once I have all my ducks in a row I will be pleased to try some of your loadings.Since you have mentioned primer pocket size,have you any experiance using one in preference to another,reguarding B.P.or smokeless.I also have a question reguarding molds.It's been said that grease grooves should be deeper than the rifling,do you concur?I have no experience with older molds,all mine are either Lyman or RCBS,and have performed well.I am tempted to go for a new one since my 7mm molds are for heavy weights.LBT molds I have borrowed and were fine but have never owned any.There seem to be many makers of custom molds these days and have noticed threads in these and other sites.Any thoughts on this?
   As far as jacketed stuff goes,I have been casting my own since "65"".I do quite a bit of pistol and revolver,only for rifles the past few years.I thought I had a very good set up.Until it was found in "01"MY Antimony and lead content had finally caught up with me.Along with a host of other heavy metals.So I have cut back,not stopped though until I figure out a better set up.It has taken three years of chelation to get it all out of me.....Should be able to shoot another 40 years..........
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Re: seek 28-30 info
Reply #16 - Feb 26th, 2005 at 11:25pm
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  On primers....... With BP I prefer regular rifle size. Win.large rifles to be concise. I've tried the magnums and as far as I'm concerned they don't work as well as standards. With that said a friend thinks the magnum rifles work better for him. I should caveat this by saying we're both talking about igniting .50/90SS full house loads. So I believe that if a regular LR primer will ignite up to 110 grs. of 1F BP with minimum ES/SD's, then I think standards will work with any load. My thinking is you need enuf flame to ignite the powder adequately, but not enuf to push the charge out of the case before proper pressure is built up.

  With smokeless I prefer to use Rem. 2 1/2's which is kind of a standard for shooting Schuetzen in the .32/40 & .38/55 class of cartridges. When I go to smaller cases such as the .28/30 I go to the CCI BR-4 primers for both smokeless and BP.

  Grease grooves........ Yes. Deeper, wider, grease grooves are a necessity when using BP, and if you ever have a chance to look at moulds made when BP was king you'll see that's how they were made. But it's not necessary with smokeless, and, again, if you will look at most of the custom moulds made today for smokeless Schuetzen you'll see most of the will have narrow, shallow, grooves. If you plan on shooting both BP & smokeless I would get moulds with wide, deep grease grooves. These bullets can be used with smokeless just by regulating the number of grooves you fill. I've even had to reduce the amount of lube on a bullet shooting BP in order to get rid of flyers due to lube purging. As for should the grooves be deeper than the rifling, it would be pretty hard to find a mould that this wasn't true for.

  Moulds to buy...... Both Lyman & RCBS make very good moulds, and I have several of each, not to mention those I have from Hoch, Brooks, NEI, LBT, SAECO, Corbin, and quite a few I & a friend have made over the years for special jobs. If the mould is from a "commercial" maker then you will have to be careful that the mould you get will suit the powder you want to shoot as mentioned above. Custom makers of course will make anything you want within their capacity to do so.

  Sorry to hear about your blood levels. I also do quite a bit of pistol & rifle shooting, plus casting, but so far I'm still "safe" after 50 yrs. of casting. Like you tho, a friend has had to go thru the treatment to purge his blood of high Lead content, so I'm trying to be more careful. Both my doc and his, and I'm sure yours, told us the best thing you can do is to be sure and wash your hands after casting or handling cast bullets. Another friend has been casting commercially for years and he uses a good ventilation system and the last I heard his Lead level was well within safe limits.

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Re: seek 28-30 info
Reply #17 - Feb 27th, 2005 at 9:26pm
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I have shot my Stevens 44-47 in moderate amounts since I acquired it in 1967.  I got 35 original cases with the rifle.  I have ruined 2 or 3, but the rest are still serviceable.  I have used the standard 120 grain Lyman bullet, pan lubed & unsized, with FFG and a small smokeless priming charge of SR4759, with a card wad between the powder & bullet.  I use pistol primers as the Stevens will not set off rifle primers.  I use a 310 tool with a universal decapper and an old Ideal tool for priming.  No sizing or crimping needed.   

The 28-30 load accounted for a few woodchucks 1967-1970. just to keep them out of the garden.  Since then it has just punched holes in paper.  I bought 2 boxes of Bertram cases and a set of 4D dies to form Bertram cases, which look like some sort of basic brass, but I've heard so much negative about both that I have never used them.

My 28-30 is a lot of fun, but take the cartridge for what it is.  Don't try to shoot anything bigger than a woodchuck and leave the jacked bullets to the 7mms.

I do have & use 4D dies for the 8x60 R Kropatschek (or Guedes/Castro) and for the 8mm Siamese Type 45.  Both sets of dies are quite adequate & form cases without all the gyrations in Donnely's book.
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Re: seek 28-30 info
Reply #18 - Feb 27th, 2005 at 10:00pm
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      I think we've covered most everything,but while I was looking into bbl.makers I find one(Pac-Nor)who not only offers many twist rates but also you get to choose:3,5,or 6 lands.
  Any thoughts on this?And have I missed anything.
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Re: seek 28-30 info
Reply #19 - Feb 28th, 2005 at 12:27pm
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  I don't have any experience with Pac-Nor barrels, nor do I know anyone who does.

  There are probably many things we could cover about the .28/30 in general, but they would pretty well follow the advice of any other caliber. I could write a book on the subject, but best for you to post a question whenever you think about it and someone will usually come up with an answer, or give you an idea on how to proceed.

  You talking about the 3, 5, & 6 lands got me to thinking about land and groove width. A lot of the old guns had a 2 or 3 to 1 land to groove width. The grooves being 2 or 3 times as wide as the lands. This would be for shooting cast bullets. Most modern barrels seem to have equal width lands and grooves, and don't seem to lack accuracy with smokeless powders. So I am assuming the wider grooves would be for shooting BP before the advent of smokeless.

  And speaking of rifling and such....... One thing has always kind of puzzled me. Back in the old days the Zettler Bros. advertised that they could work on your barrel and make it able to shoot BP accurately all day without wiping out. The best I could ever get out of this was that they would cut a groove down the middle of the lands. What the shape was or deep & wide was never mentioned as far as I was ever able to find out. Warner mentions in a letter to Lowe that he took one look down one of these barrels and knew right away what they had done, but never mentioned exactly what he saw. The idea might have merit as it would cut down on metal displacement and the amount of metal dragged back as "fins", which Pope was death on.  Always wanted to talk to someone who had a rifle done by them and if this was the method they used and how it actually worked out. If it's as I'm thinking and it worked out ok I thought it might be a good idea to try out someday.

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Re: seek 28-30 info
Reply #20 - Feb 28th, 2005 at 10:13pm
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       And speaking of rifling and such:If you should find such information soon let me know,could be interesting....It is also what intrigues me about whitworth rifling if it can be called that.Thanks again for your input.
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Re: seek 28-30 info
Reply #21 - Mar 14th, 2005 at 7:21am
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Bob, somewhat slow on this reply, but as to the Pac-Nor barrels they are of very high quality, beautiful interior finish and if the original barrel used in 30 caliber is any example extremely accurate. Am on the second of their fine barrels now, this latest one will be chambered in 7-30 Waters, it is the three groove in the 1-9” twist. CPA is building the new rifle and should have it in 3 to 4 weeks. Went with the three groove as it sounded like it would make a good cast bullet barrel and it was different than the run of the mill barrels, time will tell. I'll be using a tapered 155gr pointed PB bullet, cast from a Barnett mold for breech seating and GC styles from Saeco, Ideal & custom makers molds will be tried out as time permits in fixed ammo. If interested will get back to you with the initial range results once the rifle is home and get a chance go out and shoot. Hopefully SPRING will arrive soon, so all the winter bound shooters can get back out and send lead down range.
MIKE-T   Smiley Smiley Smiley
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Re: seek 28-30 info
Reply #22 - Mar 14th, 2005 at 9:00pm
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        thanks for the reply.Yes I would be interested in your results.I was on the verge of going with a CPA when I saw the Wesson action.The rest is history now.We'll see!!
                                           Good Luck
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