The basic throat angle (CIP) is .955°, per side. It can very some what from gunsmith to gunsmith but, will be pretty close. The throat, pretty much starts at the end of the case @ ~.348 This is what I do, for both breech seat and SR: I run a 30/30 threw a 32/40 die. Trim it to ~1.94, then fire form it, with 10gr Unique, with COW or corn meal, to the mouth and use bullet lube to keep it in place. I measure the case mouth ID and then, trim it back to either the groove size, for BSing or, the diameter of the base of the SR bullet so, that it a nice push fit, into the case. From there, I try it, in the chamber and if I can close the breech block, pushing the case a little forward, I try it at the range. That way, the bullet is aligned as well as it can be in the case and throat. This is my best OH target, shot in 2016 at Spokane in the German rifle match, loaded that way. I'm not a good OH shooter!