OK, two more questions now for all to consider. Number 1, for Tom & Charlie, what is the outside diameter of the insert? Have I misread it as being .5005” the full length or is it .504” at the base end and .499” at the end that goes in first, or?? If I read Tom’s measurements correctly, it is the latter and Charlie’s seems to be cylindrical at the smaller .5005” diameter all the way. I was subtracting .5005” from 504” and getting 35
ten thousandths, then misplaced my decimal.
. I guess I’ll have to check for that taper in mine.
Number 2 for all three of you, are the chambers all reamed straight through (or with taper as needed) without regard to nose shape of the bullet? Charlie Dell insisted that the chamber had to fit the bullet profile exactly until it got down to the size of the pilot hole. A lot of extra work!
I’m probably digging for answers I can’t answer until
my pump is in hand. I really do appreciate all of your input so I’ll be able to “hit the ground running” when it finally does arrive.
5o, thanks to all of you for putting up with all these questions.