And, finally, some discussion about original vs traditional regarding the guns themselves... Roger Henderson Tue, Jun 13, 9:58 AM Are scopes allowed with the German rifle match? Subject: Fwd: ASSRA GERMAN TARGETS, 2003 SPRING CF: TO PARTICIPANTS CAUTION: This email originated from outside Geoffrey Crowe <> Tue, Jun 13, 11:17 AM to Roger, Jeff, Creager, Richard, Bob,,, Mike, Robert, Tom,, Jim,, Joe,, A,, Good question, Roger. I'm not sure I have a good answer. I'd like anyone with a German to come and shoot it and let others see it. It would make sense to me to have open and traditional classes like we do with American guns and put guns that have an advantage over a traditional configuration in the open class. (36 X Sightrons anyone?) The practical limitations of the availability of iron sights is-I think-handled well in the ISSA traditional rules for Germans that I will post following. I'd love input from others on how to handle the details. For example, "original" and "traditional" are two different things. Unless I'm mistaken, I think defining traditional rifles as only in original condition would result in an impractically small pool of potential shooters. For example, ISSA rules compromise on iron sights by allowing Lyman 17s in the traditional class and I think we should do the same. I think we'd agree that click sights are an advantage over traditional German sights, so I don't think their use should qualify a rifle as traditional, but I'd also be open to "irons are irons" and "scopes are scopes" categories. Since I just bid on a German which had been drilled and tapped (UGH!), I'd like to bring up "traditional" vs "original" again. In my mind, doing that to an original rifle is a shame, but not a crime. I believe that if those holes are not being used to actually mount a scope they should not disqualify a German as traditional as long as it still qualifies in all other respects-even though it's no longer original. Those of us shopping for Germans these days often have to accept whatever transgressions previous owners made do with to shoot their guns. Let's keep bringing and shooting Germans in whatever configurations we have for now, see how many targets are actually being shot, and refine the rules once we have a better idea of what most folks want to do.