The transaction started pretty typical, browsing online adds and stumbled across a promising ad. Pretty basic:
J Stevens Tip-up rifle, 25 caliber centerfire, 28” barrel. Very generic description by someone who really didn’t know what they had. Lots of photos and I decided to take a chance.
With rifle in hand the first “problem” is obvious, it’s not a 25.
Open the action look at the firing pin, at least it’s a centerfire.
Grab the calipers, check the grooves, .309”. Oh perfect another 32 whatthehell. My first Tip-up has a .306” groove and a chamber that is .350” diameter. I make brass from 32-20 cutting it down to .600”. Still haven’t figured out what that one is.
Measure the chamber end and it’s .380”, run the depth gauge end into the lands and it’s 3.7 something. Things just got interesting, maybe a 30-30 Wesson since with a flashlight I can’t see a shoulder of any kind.
That’s [simple enough, I have some Wesson dies and 357 max brass. Size a case. It drops right in.
Primer in the case, 10 grains of N120 and a 90 grain bullet for the 32whatsit sized to 309 and what do you know the damn thing shoots!
Here comes the next surprise. Brass that came out of the chamber is below. Still haven’t figured out how to insert a photo where I want it.
So what ordered was a 25 centerfire with a 28” barrel.
What I got is a 30 or 32 something, with a 26” barrel and a 12 1/2” length of pull.
Beach front, open rear and graduated peep tans sight. Not sure of the grade of wood, but does not seem “plain” and is varnished.
Fired case is a bit short for the chamber at 1.630”, neck .325” long and .332” diameter. Shoulder 358” diameter.
Photos below and will add any that people might want to see.
What did I end up with?