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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) 1873 .50-70 Buffalo Sharps (Read 3207 times)
mike in Va.
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Re: 1873 .50-70 Buffalo Sharps
Reply #15 - Mar 13th, 2022 at 11:59am
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Just to add to the lore of African Buffalo hunting:  One experience I had with Buffalo in Africa was my most frightening hunting event.  I was using an antique H & H 10 bore rifle (275 G FF and 1250 gr bullet) when we got up wind of a herd, 50-75, with a nice trophy bull.  The guide and I were standing in an six foot square patch of Mepne (sp) trees, really shoulder high brush, as the heard filed past us on both sides such that I could have outstretched my arm and touched one on either side.  As the got a couple feet past us they would wind us and start running.  Never got a shot at the bull that day as I was too frightened to raise my rifle and shoot with them standing so close. 
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