S99VG wrote on Aug 1
st, 2021 at 3:02pm:
Of course when we attach Feckers, Litscherts and Unertls to many of those rifles we are taking some liberty with history as that technology would not have came into play for another generation or two...
That's brings up another related topic, which also needs to be considered. Those guns modified from the way they left the factory. If we consider any modification as bad, then we'd be culling all the fine target rifles that were modified by the famous makers who put new barrels, and stocks on old single shots to make them fantastic guns.
And there's the era that scopes became hugely popular, and many fine old target rifles got fitted with scopes too. Those period scopes added in the later years are accepted modifications in many cases. And some old scopes have become extremely collectible on their own. Not just the very expensive Malcolm and Unertl scopes, but even lower priced scopes of the external adjustment type.
I remember a time when collectors and sellers would deduct money for extra scope holes in a barrel of an old gun. But I've watched that gradually change, and it's far more accepted today. Even more so if the holes have bases, and a nice old scope is still with the gun!
I have a good friend who only collects old single shot rifles with scopes on them. His collection of scoped single shot rifles is jaw dropping, and I don't see anyone whose ever seen his display who thought the scoped guns shouldn't have been done.
There's even a number of collectors today who look at 40's and 50's varmint rifles built on old single shots, and say if they're well done that type of build should be preserved for what they are. They don't interest me a lot, but I have an 1885 High wall with a .219 Ackley Improved barrel, and I wont be changing it to something more traditional for the antique action. And it has a 20x Super Targetspot on it too, which is pretty correct for a High Wall varmint caliber barrel.