I use the Large Brownels shooting bag with the following items stored in it. Zippered top comartment, powder measure stand. RH outside compartment, spotting scope and stand. Front out side compartment, staper and staples. Back outside compartment, brownels gunsmithing screw driver set and 6 Vernier. LH inside padded compartment, 28-35 breach seater and re&de capper. RH inside padded compartment, 25-21 breach seater and re&de capper. Large center compartment, baby powder 14oz., powder measure, JB, 25-21 patches, 28-35 patches, 1 lb. 300MP, ear protection and a container of misc. allen wrenches, inside front pockets, magnet level, 8 oz.ballistol, 8 oz. bore solvent, parts kit, timer, container of spare 25-21 brass w/ primer pocket cleaner and case exspander, container with tube sight front sight inserts, small scissors, tweezers, pen and 0000 steel wool. Back inside pockets, primer tray and cover, container of spare 28-35 brass and primer pocket cleaner, mag lite and delrin scope adapter for setting out wind flags, wipe out lead remover, small rifle primer pocket uniformer, large rifle primer pocket uniformer and broken case extractor all neatly stored and readily accessible. I might have left out a few items those listed were just off the top of my head. That leaves me with only having to carry wind flat stands and sail tails container, front rest, rear bag, drummers stool and a medium sized metal padded drill box containing arm rest sand bag, bullets room for 400 in styrofoam containers, primers, bench cover, wind flags and approx. 50 ASSRA score targets for practice outings. JLouis