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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) New guns (Read 7472 times)
Frequent Elocutionist

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Re: New guns
Reply #15 - Nov 12th, 2013 at 2:11am
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Hi Joe, good to hear from you, I hope you are doing well. The Aydt is here at home but no chance of getting it finished right now. The Borchardt is still with Joseph Losito, Joe had some serious medical issues and is getting back to work. He has the triggers done correctly which I understand is hard to do but he is good at it. Here soon it will be shipped home and set until I get a chance to take a break.  I did 9 months in Colorado and only home every other week and now it seems that I will be going to Texas here in a month or two. With my company who knows, we are having Obama Care difficulties like others. It will not effect me though as I'm retired Military and on that insurance thank god I was smart and stayed in for 20.
And I have another project besides the Borchardt and others. Too many guns and no time to have fun. I have not been out shooting for a couple of years now. Last time I shot an old girl like a martini was in Colorado when I was working in Fruita at the park doing a road project for the Feds. I have shot a few modern guns since then but not even enough of those. My son has a nice M4 style M16 clone that I shoot once in awhile, and I have my M14 clone with the LRB receiver and a krieger match heavy barrel for target work. My kids get a kick out of my tight groups with the M4.
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Frequent Elocutionist

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Re: New guns
Reply #16 - Nov 12th, 2013 at 5:18am
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Nice rifle!  My guess is that it will cleanup pretty well.  Sadly the sight is not the original one for the rifle.  It IS an original sight, but its a mismatch for that specific rifle. If it were, the base of the original sight would be a near seamless fit to the boss on the tang.  The post would be a tight slip fit down into the hole in the boss.  Hopefully the square key heads on the adjustment screws have not been buggered up with pliers.
It's not uncommon to find one that way. Your are fortunate you have a sight at all.  The original sights got separated from the rifles easily.  first they were usually carried in the shooters kit case on the way to and from the range.   just like many of us carry our scopes in separate cases.   Unfortunately far too many of the original shooters were buried in far off places or in POW camps when the allies occupied and started disarming the german civilian population.  The rifles were confiscated/turned in but the sights usually got left behind.

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