In addition to the legal issues you will have trouble with some shippers if a firearm is not going to a dealer. Someone will undoubtedly chime in here and say that you can send "antiques" via the US mail, good luck with all that!
Actually, "convincing" the US Mail to "take" and antique rifle has never been a problem for me...
Just have a copy of the Domestic Mail Manual (downloadable from the USPS or orderable on paper), and highlight the sections of the DMM that specifically allow shipping antique firearms.
This is the manual that the Postal employees have to follow... When you show them THEIR rulebook, that THEIR managers all the way up to the Postmaster General follows; they don't argue.
Around here, shipping an antique firearm dealer-to-dealer is likely to cost you closer to $100-$150, because dealers will usually demand to do ALL the california paperwork, with fees, plus the cost of shipping, plus the cost of the box, plus the "shop fee" for private transfers, etc etc.
Paul F.