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Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Jan 22nd, 2010 at 5:34pm
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Hi!  I am brand new to this site, and thank you for allowing me to join.

I received an old Stevens single shot as a gift and it's one of the coolest guns I've seen.  It needs some TLC go get working again, and I can't wait as I will use it as the rifle to introduce my daughter to shooting.

I need some help identifying exactly what it is as I need a part, and I will restore it myself.  I am hoping for some assistance from all the experience on this site.

It is a Stevens single shot with a 22 short heavy barrel.  I cannot find any Stevens guns with a heavy barrel like this.  Under the lever it's stamped "414", so I thought that is the model, but I can't find that either.  The barrel and the receiver both have the same serial number so I don't think it's cobbled together.  Can anyone identify what model number this is?

I've attached some pics.

The hammer spring is broken, and I need advice where to get a new one.  I've tried 2 shops, but they don't have them. I need this to operate it.  Can someone recommend a place to get a replacement spring?

Finally, I plan to reblue the barrel and have the wood redone.  I just want to make sure I'm not making a mistake.....are there any tricks about a Stevens I should know before blueing and redoing the wood?

Thanks everyone!
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #1 - Jan 22nd, 2010 at 7:17pm
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Welcome aboard, Charte.  The stamping you found under the lever is probably all you need to identify the origin of your rifle as a 414 musket.  It has been altered quite a bit by shortening, but enough remains to be fairly certain of that ID.  There are several manufacturing variations of that model that affect the main spring configuration, IIRC, so someone else more familiar with the Stevens line than I am will have to help you out there.  If, as it appears to me, the rifle has already been altered fairly significantly, then restoration work you do properly should not harm its value.

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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #2 - Jan 22nd, 2010 at 7:42pm
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The hammer[main] spring for your 414 Stevens is not available anywhere that I know of, I suggest you use a coil spring to replace this broken spring. This coil spring set-up is shown in Dehaas's singleshot rifles and actions book.   ledball
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #3 - Jan 22nd, 2010 at 7:59pm
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Hi guys!  Thanks so much for the fast replies.  I'll buy the book and check it out the spring.  It doesn't seem like such a hard piece to reproduce, but I don't have the tools to make one.

One thing that puzzles me is that, thought the gun has been reworked (I can see a weld on the lever, for example), that barrel looks untouched.  Has anyone seen a 22 short Stevens bull/heavy barrel?
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Aw Gees

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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #4 - Jan 22nd, 2010 at 8:29pm
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I would LOVE to have that gun. You are a lucky man.

Spring material can be had from Dixie gunworks or Brownels. It s very possible to cut and bend one from the spring steel stock and then temper it by color if you have a torch or a friend with one.

You have the original so you have a great pattern. I had never made one before but needed a trigger spring for a maynard. With reading one of Brownells Gunsmtih Kinks books and help from a few people on this forum, it was fairly easy and cheap!

My first attempt wasn't spring enough. I retempered and it became spring.

Leadballs idea is a good one, too. I tried to do it to a rolling block and never could get one of the angles right and it kept popping off of the base screw. A product of my limited skills, not the technique.

Great gun you have there!


BTW, where are you located? I am having a get together in VA in Feb. Someone there would have some ideas I am sure!

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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #5 - Jan 22nd, 2010 at 9:04pm
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We need to talk about that Roller spring in Feb. I am in dire need of replacing the spring in my Roller. 


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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #6 - Jan 22nd, 2010 at 10:39pm
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It is a 414 Armory Model that has had the barrel shortened and the froearm shortened. There was originaly a front barrel band and front sling swivel on the removed portion. The rear sight is correct and specific for this model. Hard to find also. They were chambered in .22 short or .22 long rifle. The US Olympic team won the Olympics in, I think, 1912 using this rifle. They are very accurate if the bore is good. They were made from 1912 to 1932. You can get a main spring from John at 972-254-7263 for $10 shipped. You may have to do a little minor fitting. He advertises in the Single Shot Exchange Magazine. I have used these and they are fine and very reasonably priced. FYI the .22 Short barrels have a different rate of twist than the .22 Long Rifle. I am curious if a long rifle will chamber in your gun. I have a couple of guns marked .22 Short that will chamber the Long Rifle. It was discussed here a while back.  Have fun with it!
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #7 - Jan 22nd, 2010 at 10:51pm
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The Stevens #414 Armory Model was produced between 1912 and 1932, with the #44 plain action and lever, the special receiver sight and a 26" round barrel.  A smooth metal shotgun buttplate should be on the stock; the original stock length was 13 inches.

It was made to compete with the Winder Musket for military-style .22  shooting with a sling.  It was made in .22 Short and .22 Long Rifle.  I can't find the reference, but I think this is the model that T. K. Lee won the 1912 Olympics with.

Your specimen has had the barrel shortened, the forend cut off after the beavertail swell (a barrel band with sling swivel and an extra length of wood are missing) and the lever straightened out from its original "s" curve.  These modifications may have been made to suit a younger shooter; check and see if the buttstock has been shortened.

I have a somewhat modified and shortened and restored 414 myself, and it shoots very well.  Getting yours fixed up should be a fun project.
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #8 - Jan 23rd, 2010 at 12:59am
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The early guns had a metal butplate. The later ones had a hard ruber butplate. Ramrod and I are prety much on the same page here.
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #9 - Jan 23rd, 2010 at 8:45am
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Wow everyone, thank you for the overwhelming responses!

Ok, thank you so much for the analysis.....since it's been shortened, I now have no fear of just doing this project myself and restoring it.  It does seem that the stock is shortened too.

This works out well since I'm going to use it to teach my daughter how to shoot.

When I get it up and running, I'll try to chamber a 22 long and let you know.

Thanks for the advice on the spring....will call him next week.

It doesn't have a butplate at all....anyone have advice where I can get one that will fit?

Finally, Merwin, I do live in VA, and would be very interested if there was a meeting.

Can't wait to get this operational, especially if it has maintained its accuracy despite the shortening.  I have to say, this thing is solid as a rock....just to handle a 22 short!  That, and it's simple operation, will make this perfect for my daughter so she can focus on fundamentals of shooting with a safe, solid gun.

I'll post pics as I get it in shape!

Thanks for solving the mysteries!
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #10 - Jan 23rd, 2010 at 9:38am
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Charte, you're in luck if you are in VA...  I'm in the Central VA (Lynchburg) area and sitting in the parking lot of the Salem Gun Show as I type this.  Jon is in Northern VA and will be hosting the Gathering in about a month at the time and place he has posted in General above.  Boats, subsailor, moodyholler and others I am forgetting are all here in VA and will be pleased to welcome you to our band of SS brothers-in-arms!  Try to bring it to the gathering if you can, and you're sure to find somebody (or sombodies!) to help and advise.

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Aw Gees

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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #11 - Jan 23rd, 2010 at 10:04am
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Feb 13th in New Market! Be more than happy to have you! Very informal and pretty darn fun. We get toghter and talk guns, old sinlge shot and civil war style guns. 

I know a local man here used to collect Stevens guns and won one if the ASSRA Etna Green .22 matches with one last year I think. I believe he was shooting a 418 in original configuration. He has been to the first two meetings and I am gonna track him down to try to get him to this one.

Those Stevens .22s are great shooters if the barrels are good!

Hope to see you and it in Feb!!


Great Plains Precision Rifle Club
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #12 - Jan 23rd, 2010 at 10:12am
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You guys are fantastic!  I'd love to go.  I'm just up north in Annandale.  Hopefully I'll have some progress on it to show.

I do have an event in the evening....what time are you guys getting together?

Also, just to set expectations, I'm a real novice with guns....I'm a fan, have many of them, but I'm not an expert, so I'd be soaking up your info and probably not offering a heck of a lot.  But I'm willing to learn if you guys don't mind.
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Aw Gees

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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #13 - Jan 23rd, 2010 at 11:20am
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Well darn. We meet in the evening. Around 6 or 7 ish. The idea was to be able to either come in from a distance or mae go to the Nations Gun show and then meet out in New Market. 

But rest assured that there are several matches in the MD VA area that plenty of knowledgeable guys come to. 

Maybe you reschedule your evening event??? Or bring her with if it's a Valentines thing!! LOL!. Last year we met on Valentines and several wives came along and had fun.


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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #14 - Jan 23rd, 2010 at 11:57pm
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Charte,  I have bought main springs for the Stevens 44 from Wisners at (You need to Login or Register to view media files and links)
The 414 is basically a Stevens 44 Ideal and it should work.  Terry H.

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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #15 - Jan 25th, 2010 at 10:22am
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The 414 early models had the hard rubber butt plate, later going to steel. Check the Stevens catalogs of the period.(1918-1924) The leaf main spring is found on the early models, not sure when they went to the coil main but suspect it was about the same time frame as the butt plates. By the way if someone wanted to change type of main spring he would also need to change hammers along with adding a spring guide and other details for proper function.
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #16 - Jan 25th, 2010 at 11:57am
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Before you go to any great effort or expense rechambering the 22 Short barrel, try it as is.  22 Short chambers of that time often accepted 22 Longs or even 22 Long Rifles.  The Long has the same bullet weight as the Short and should stabilize.  If the barrel has the usual 1:25 to 1:28 twist, it will not stabilize a 40 grain Long Rifle bullet.

Don't discount the Short for teaching your daughter to shoot.  They are fine at 25 yards and OK at 50.  My 2 sons and 1 grandson learned to shoot with a Winder in 22 Short.  The only drawback is trying to find ammunition.  CCIs work pretty well.   

I have bought mainsprings from Wisners.  They work just fine.  Getting a good trigger pull on those Stevens 44 actions seems to be dependent on the strength of the mainspring.  If the mainspring is too strong, the trigger pull becomes too heavy.  The original mainsprings broke frequently, but alternative solutions have drawbacks.

I shoot in a gallery offhand league on Fridays.  One of our competitors shoots a cut-down 414.

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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #17 - Jan 25th, 2010 at 12:05pm
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Merwin, unfortunately I'm on the hook....I have a buddy from High School coming to visit for a concert.  I'm already in hot water from my wife on that one Wink  But I'll make it up to her on Sunday.

I'll keep watching the posts to see when the next event is.

Terry, thanks....I did try them, but they are out and didn't know when the next production run will be.  If I can't find something soon, I'll ping them again.  Nice people though.

Toolmaker, thanks...I think then I'll just find a kit to make a rubber butt plate (that looks funny reading it back Tongue)

Waterman, I agree....I'm going to stick with the 22 short.  I did find some CCI's on Cabelas, and bought them.  Dirt cheap to shoot, and almost no noise if I recall the one I shot in my youth.  I already have 22 lr and a nice Ruger 22 mag, so no point in trying to make another.  The 22 short adds to the uniqueness of the gun.

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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #18 - Jan 25th, 2010 at 12:32pm
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The hard to find main spring for the 44 Stevens comes in all dfferent sizes [weight of pull] which is the reason I suggest the coil spring arrangement, it is easy to make the coil spring adjustable for weight of pull, by threading the shaft.The different hammer refered to was on the 417 Stevens rifle to try to increase lock time, it probably worked if your strong enough to thumb- back the hammer.  The 44 Stevens does not need a replacement hammer for the coil-spring set-up.  ledball
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #19 - Jan 25th, 2010 at 5:02pm
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Ledball, I beg to differ but I've seen a couple of 414's with coil spring mains and they are very similar to the 417,but they are different, the 417 hammer has the full cock at a much lower position than any 44 or 414 along with a very much stronger spring.
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #20 - Jan 25th, 2010 at 5:07pm
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I had one of the Winchester low-wall Winder Muskets in .22 short, and in an indoor shooting range while wearing normal hearing protection, all I could hear was the hammer fall and the "ding" when the bullet hit the backstop... there was virtually NO sound of the round going off!  Fun stuff!!  Cool

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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #21 - Jan 25th, 2010 at 8:33pm
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          The Stevens 417 rifles do have a different hammer than the regular 44 actions, as you say it has a shorter hammer fall, it also is different in that the coil spring engages the hammer farther from the center of the axis making the hammer hard to thumb back. A coil-spring works just as well in anyother  44 action rifle with the regular hammer. I've done maybe six of these for myself and local friends. the coil spring allows for a much better trigger pull because it can be made adjustable.  ledball
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #22 - Jan 26th, 2010 at 11:30am
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    CPA's got the hard rubber buttplate for your rifle. I believe it takes the "S" pattern.       ...MIKE...
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #23 - Jan 26th, 2010 at 1:09pm
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I think "Vintage Grips" has the correct butt plate. Not sure if it is as thick as original but will have horizontal ridges as orig.  Good luck
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #24 - Feb 4th, 2010 at 2:14pm
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Spoke to John K about the spring.  Looks like he still has some that will work for my model.  I'm sending off a $10 check today!  

I also got the blueing kit in.

I'll send some project pics as it starts to come together.  My challenge is time, but I hope to get it done in the next months!

« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2010 at 8:35am by »  
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #25 - Feb 11th, 2010 at 5:23pm
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here is my 414 its the only file photo I have the barrel extends about 5 more inches longer than the wood. the earily ones have a metal butt and the later ones have a plastic/baklite thing mine has a metal one and its in LR

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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #26 - Feb 12th, 2010 at 9:44am
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Looking at the catalogs for Stevens, they show hard rubber until about 1920. After that they state metal butt plates as standard
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #27 - Feb 12th, 2010 at 7:23pm
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Toolmkr has it right. I mispoke earlier on this post and got it backwards. My 1918 catalog shows the ruber butplate. I have one of each. My long rifle gun is a later one with the metal butplate and my short gun is an early gun with the ruber butplate.
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #28 - Feb 22nd, 2010 at 7:21am
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Hi all, quick report.

I received the hammer spring from John as advised above.  It fits like a glove!  Looks exactly like the old one, and the hammer operates well.  It was 10 bucks shipped........darn good bargain.

Now I need to finish the blueing project ................
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #29 - Mar 13th, 2010 at 11:58am
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Small update on the project.

I blued the barrel and the hammer.  Wow, they look great!  Given it's my first time, I'm happy.  Not quite from the factory looking, but heck of a lot better than it was.

I re-assembled everything, including the new spring and did some test firing.  Works like a charm!!!!  I don't think this baby has been fired in 50 years or more!  Good to see it come back to life.  Accuracy is ok, but my test range is only 7 yards, so no test at all, really.

Next I need to take the wood off again and refinish that.

Finally, the receiver looks like it was case hardened originally.  Someone put on some strange brown coating that tends to gum things up.  I guess it's a cheap way to simulate case hardening, but it's not so great.  Doesn't come off easily either, otherwise I'd strip it and just blue the whole thing.  I may just leave it.

I'll post pics when I get the wood in shape.

The Stevens lives!!!
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #30 - Mar 13th, 2010 at 12:00pm
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Rafter 7, how long is your end stock as measured from the receiver along the bottom to the end?

Mine is about 12 7/8, and I think it might have been chopped down.   

Wish I had's a beaut.
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Re: Stevens 22 short with heavy barrel
Reply #31 - Mar 14th, 2010 at 11:47am
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Ok, here are some pics.  It's turning out nicely.....the wood is so much nicer than I expected.  I just ordered the butt plate.

« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2010 at 8:13pm by »  
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