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Aw Gees

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Numerich Rolling Blocks
Jan 25th, 2008 at 6:01pm
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I just saw the Rolling block that is for sale in that thread and it got me wondering, who made these? I know that numerich offered the kit but my gun is identical to the one for sale. The wood contours and the buttplate. I saw one at a match last year that was also identical with the exact same wood contours, buttplate, etc. Did numerich actually build some up and sell them, or does anyone know of an outfit or gunsmith that did? I thought mine was just done by who knows who, but after seeing a couple more like it I believe someone must have dona a run of them. Does anyone know?
I know the chamber in mine is very tight as it was in the one at the match last year. 

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Re: Numerich Rolling Blocks
Reply #1 - Jan 25th, 2008 at 9:56pm
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Hi MerwinBray, that was my rolling block that you saw last year at the Columbia Schuetzverin match (ala Chris C.) at Thurmont, Maryland.  My impression is that Numrich Arms (N.Y.) made up a kit that was offered to the shooting public for the purpose of updating or sporterizing the many Remington military configured rolling block rifles around or for those people who were buying R.B. actions from several sources, one of which was Navy Arms (N.J.).  I was told that Numerich actually had (possibly still has) a gun barrel production crew with the necessary machinery and produced the 45-70 full octagon heavy barrels for inclusion in the kit with the wood forearm and butt stock and plate.

With regards to the wood pieces, I haven't a clue how Numrich handled that originally.  They perhaps farmed that workout to one of the larger stock making firm of that era.  (What was the name of the company up near Pittsburg?)

I have no way of telling for certain, but it may well have been that larger gunsmithing outfits in the U.S. purchased these conversion kits from Numrich in lager quantities, over what the kitchen table smiths did, and thus were doing the conversions is volumn.

You may recall, that I further altered my barrel by having it machined to 1/2 round 1/2 oct and had a 40-65 lined installed to improve upon what I considered a questionable rifling job in the first instance.

If I come upon any additonal information on this subject either from old Numrich catalogs, American Rifleman, etc., etc. I'll certainly let you know.

My best, Webb

P.S.  I hope to see you at the Spring 2008 shoot at Thurmont.
P.S.S.  Are there any shoot coming up in your neck of the woods in Virginia?
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Re: Numerich Rolling Blocks
Reply #2 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 8:59am
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Jon and Webb,

    While I do not by any means have all the definitive info on this subject, I do know that Numrich was offering these do it yourself kits for both the BP and smokeless military actions of the Remington RB for several years, at least as late as the mid-70s.  There were two configurations, a "Buffalo Gun" style with full octagon barrel, and a "Creedmoor" variant with half octagon.  IIRC, there were both .45-70 and perhaps a few .444 bores available when Numrich was going at the process full blast.  At the "peak" of availability, the complete actions were available from the likes of Hunter's Lodge and Navy Arms for as little as $6-7!  Shocked

    The kit contained the barrel, pre-threaded and chambered for the action of your choice along with some fairly pedestrian looking but nicely inletted black walnut and a set of rudimentary sights.  As with all things mass produced for the d-i-y market, these kits varied quite a bit in quality and gave a lot of mediocre and some fairly good final results.  Huh

    My kid brother and I got one of the last sets they had as a close-out sometime in the late eighties, having to "settle" for a Creedmoor barrel, which then turned out to have a slight banana shape.  Cry  It built into a fairly nice plinker, and if the barrel HAD been only a little better it would have been a really good little project.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.   Cheesy


PS  Jon, Would you please send me a PM with the current details/progress report on the VA get-together?  Thanks!  GF
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Aw Gees

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Re: Numerich Rolling Blocks
Reply #3 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 12:34pm
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The gun I have LOOKS like it should shoot well, but you know how THAT goes! I have only tried it a couple times. This is when I ound out how tight the chamber is. I tried using some stuff that was alreay loaded for my pedersoli. It wouldn't chamber and close the block. I loaded a few that I full sized, which I hate doing especially on a 45-70! This time, the case went in all the way, but the byllet itself was too long and wouldn't go into the bore! SOOO, then I loaded again with the bullet seated all the way down even with the top band and they fit and shot but only so-so. Sound fimiliar Creedmoormatch? I am going to try a few more loads and bullet combos in it. I hope to get it shooting with somewhat consistent results. My 11 year old son is pretty sure it should be available to him for bigbore shooting in a year or two!
When I got the gun it had one of the long Navy Arms brass scopes on it. I sold that scope as I couldn't get the darn adjustments on it to work worth a darn and didn't have much interest in that kind of set up. 
Thanks for your responses, I just got curious after seeing a few with the same stock sets. 
Creedmoormatch, I like yours a lot more they way it is now! Hoyt did a nice job on the barrel.

I will have a document to send out by the end of this weekend. I will make sure you get it!

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Re: Numerich Rolling Blocks
Reply #4 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 2:02pm
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Hi MerwinBray !!!

Check out this site and read everything.. I've hand reamed chambers before that turned out great !!! I like the counterbore thing too on a muzzle loader ... Might do instead of a charger.... 26 to 36 bucks to fix a roller aint bad !!! Probably just a warn-out reamer when they chambered it


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« Last Edit: Jan 26th, 2008 at 2:24pm by Redwing »  
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Re: Numerich Rolling Blocks
Reply #5 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 2:15pm
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Well then guys,is my price out of line?
Just a curosity thing ya know...
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Aw Gees

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Re: Numerich Rolling Blocks
Reply #6 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 3:40pm
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I bought mine several years ago and prices have gone up since then. I know when I was looking your price would have caught my eye. I don't really sell guns so from that view I am worhtless. It seems you are in line with what I have seen as asking prices at gunshows. Maybe someone else has better insight as to rolling block prices. I like the weight and feel of mine, I just haven't spent much time trying to get it shooting like I have my pedersoli.
After reading the above post about re-reaming the chamber, I may try that if a couple more loads don't work. I think I have a good mould to try in it, I just haven't done it yet. It is the Lyman/Dixie mould designed by Bob Roller. It is long, skinny at the front and fairly heavy. I will see.

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Aw Gees

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Re: Numerich Rolling Blocks
Reply #7 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 5:47pm
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Navy Arms, until last year, would have a nice booth at the N-SSA Nationals. One time they had a few old unthreaded, unchambered 45-70 barrels that were as you described. Very off center. Someone at the N-SSA told me they were old numrich barrels, but I have no way of knowing it is so.
They were unmarked, and cheap. I can't imagine letting one out like that either. For 20.00, it would have been tempting for the other parts!

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Re: Numerich Rolling Blocks
Reply #8 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 6:44pm
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Way back, 1969, I purchased a Numrich Arms 45-70 kit for the Argentine Roller I had.  Cost me $44.95.  Had Walter Erdmann set it up for me.  That rifle would shoot the likes of which you all have never seen......One day I shot the tack holding the target up after telling my friend that this rifle is a tack driver.  Jeeze, I wish Walt was still with us.

Oh, by the way, that barrel is drilled so far off center, I'm talking 1/8" from breech to muzzle in 28".  So....So what?

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Re: Numerich Rolling Blocks
Reply #9 - Jan 27th, 2008 at 9:54pm
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Fellows, those Numrich barrels are great shooters, just tight on both ends. If you slug one, you will find they are about .448 and require a reamer with the pilot ground a little smaller than normal. Throats are also short and they do not handle bullets larger than 405 grains. My friend has one of the buffalo models that shoots very well and for years we have threatened to rebarrel itbut he has the recipe to make it shoot well even in BPCR silhouette. I built a bullet muzzleloader from one 15 years ago and hand lapped it from the breech end and cut a piece of barrel off and used it for a swage. It shot very well for me. I wonder where it is today. I current have a .36 caliber round ball Numrich barrel on the wall in the shop shaping up into my personal match gun. I hope it shoots as good as some of the ones in the past. FWIW, moodyholler
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Aw Gees

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Re: Numerich Rolling Blocks
Reply #10 - Jan 29th, 2008 at 8:09am
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Well that gives me hope! As I said in my original post, it LOOKS like it should shoot, I just need to spend the time it takes to find the load. I may have been about to go the wrong direction, I was getting ready to cast up some heavier bullets. The twist looks a little fast. I need to check the twist and slug it before I proceed. I don't think I have any moulds lighter than a 405. Thanks again!

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