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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Interesting post from WSU site. (Read 16890 times)
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Re: Interesting post from WSU site.
Reply #15 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 1:53am
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or you could shoot some ones stapler.

back in my near pub-erty years, i got of my ass, stood on my hind legs and shot like a man. but as scores and generations of years slip by, it seems i'm off my hind legs and on my ass more. Grin

my barrels have all been cut back trying to postpone having to  shoot from the 'on the butt position'. but, alas, there comes a time in ones life when you have to admit, 'i can't do this anymore'. ergo, one becomes an off the butt shooter.. Cry

howsomever,  when it comes to an agg. score, i have no idea.. Smiley execpt, a br/standing agg match is a br/standing agg match and an offhand match is an off hand match and a br match is a br match. don't see how they can be put in a pot, mixed up and expect to make any sense out of it..

once again a howsomever... back in the halcyon days, did shoot hi 
-power and benchrest and never the twain did meet.

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Re: Interesting post from WSU site.
Reply #16 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 7:23am
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Offhand is no more difficult than hitting a golf ball or casting fly rods.  Like those sports it can be enjoyed at any age.  You have to adjust equipment as your fitness level changes but don't need to give the sport up as long as you can stand.

The difficulty shooting offhand is it's largely self taught while other sports have instruction available. Anyone exposed to a formal program or coaching at some point has an advantage.  There are natural shots but generally they were involved in competing with lots of examples to watch. Informal coaching.

I can only speculate on whats happening in Wyoming but expect the fact they are running offhand matches makes it attractive and new or more likely cross over shooters come into the sport. Success builds on success.

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Re: Interesting post from WSU site.
Reply #17 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 8:04am
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I posted this a WSU, I thought it is worth posting here as well. The only thing I have to say about all this is we need another association like we need a hole in the head. We are few already no matter which association you look at. Everyone complains about match attendance and bickering about the differences in rules. Why can't we have one association with matches that have different requirements. Someone once said "United we stand, divided we fall". There is a lot of truth to that. I'm a shooter, I enjoy all of it, I am mainly a offhand shooter, but I am learning to shoot bench (a new challenge). I must admit I enjoy offhand more but it is my stronger suit, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy the challenge of bench as well. I would love to see a united Schuetzen, Single Shot Rifle, smokeless/black powder, pre-post 1900, etc. association. One that is trying to promote shooting as a way of life and not a agenda. JMO
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Re: Interesting post from WSU site.
Reply #18 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 11:30am
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No agenda whatsoever, other than focusing a Schuetzen organization on offhand shooting and attempting to revive and preserve a historic old club.

I don't feel that having more shooting organizations is a bad thing at all unless one requires that you cannot belong to any other. This is not the case.

It was always somewhat shocking to me that the average single shot shooter had no idea who Horace Warner or H.V. Perry was...or how to string-measure a target. We have had many old-time shooters dedicate a lot of personal time with excellent records shot to the sport of rest shooting. It be a shame if the old-style rest shooting died on the vine when it is so simple to revive...especially when we have the talented bench-rest shooters today that we have.

I see more shooting organizations as a strength rather than a weakness...more shooting, more shooters. The single shot community is diverse in it's interests and by having associations that are focused on specific aspects we have more appeal collectively to the whole. The problem is not shooters...the problem is getting people to do the work. We have had excellent support in that regard in the Wyoming Schuetzen Union and have people who have stepped up to do the work associated with the National Rifle Club. It takes some initial effort to get an association going and these two have been very fortunate in that regard.

Gute Ziele,

Steve Garbe
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Re: Interesting post from WSU site.
Reply #19 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 11:49am
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Steve, I take my hat off to you and all who put in the time, I know full well how thankless that time and effort can be and how few step up to do it. My feeling is that if the Associations were all under one and matches deverse, we would have more people attending. These same people would maybe cross over and try the other stuff since they are at the match already. If I am going to drive any distance, I like to be able to shoot a bunch, I don't care what the rules are I just adjust to fit them. I can enjoy shooting offhand as well with a coat as well as with out it. It can be bench in the ag or not in it. I don't want to get rid of the old records, I love that stuff, but that can be controled through the match and guidelines. Wouldn't you like to see turn outs like they had 100 years ago. Also those people were not stuck in tradition, they were constantly looking for ways to improve their scores and the sport. Scopes, palm rests, breach vs muzzle loading, etc. were things that came about through time and change. Sometimes change can mean the difference between surviving and not. Again my opinion for what its worth. Keep up the good work
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Re: Interesting post from WSU site.
Reply #20 - Feb 1st, 2008 at 7:31am
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goodmorning, Here in so tx we have the newbraunfels schuetzen verein. == oldest in existance rifle club in the country. established july 4 1849.
my understanding is that at first this was an awful hand shoot that later turned into  both oh and a standing stairstep rest. which we now only shoot at 100 yards  either iron or scope.
we allow any rifle of either single shjot or a bolt gun. with a maximum of 5 shots allowed at one standing. 
there are also some clubs in the fredericksburg area that shoot at 200 yards both centerfire, and rimfire iron sights only on a standing stairstep rest.
the newbraunfels season should be starting in late march and there are always rifles available to shoot. not to mention food and beer.
A number of the memebers of this club also shoot the assra, and the issa and the wsu.
personally I think y'all are getting things too complicated and like some one said i do nont care about aggregates scores just wantn to have fun with friends.
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Re: Interesting post from WSU site.
Reply #21 - Feb 11th, 2008 at 2:51pm
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Just to add my 2 cents; I would and have driven 15 hours to go to a combination match. I would do the same for a BR match. I do enjoy shooting offhand (I do it every Thursday night), but if it was an off hand match only, I would not drive 1/3 of that distance. So, I think those that have combination matches in order to bolster attendance, have the right idea.
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Re: Interesting post from WSU site.
Reply #22 - Feb 12th, 2008 at 3:18am
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I live in Montana and have shot WSU matches. Because of this change to offhand matches only I will no longer shoot with WSU. I will continue to shoot at the ASSRA matches in Missoula , where I have spent many enjoyable years shooting Schuetzen combination matches. WSU is making a BIG mistake in my opinion.
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Re: Interesting post from WSU site.
Reply #23 - Feb 12th, 2008 at 6:36am
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I feel much the same way about being able to shoot OH with .40 or over!

The variety is best!  You can pick and choose.

But a match with out beer (afterwards of course) is like a day without sunshine.


Cat Whisperer (trk)
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Re: Interesting post from WSU site.
Reply #24 - Feb 12th, 2008 at 7:22am
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have to say that I agree with y'all that if it was an offhand type match it would not be worth driving to.I do not even shoot offhand at the nbsv matches anymore.
I think the main idea of today's rifle clubs is to encourage new members, particularily with children. not to run them off because one person decides he wants things to run his way.
I feel that the assra, issa have been around for a while and while all organizations have problems. they will be here for a while longer. i shot at mexia this weekend and we shot to a set of the wsu rules. so i had a target with 9 shots on it (iron) so i shot it again. the best thing that could happen is for all of the groups to standarise the rules write them in stone and quit trying to change them.
I have shown up at a match down here and not been able to shoot because a group had gotten togther the day before and made up some new rules!
As for thewsu. well as i put it this is texas not wyoming and why would i want to shoot any thing different than i do now?
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Re: Interesting post from WSU site.
Reply #25 - Feb 12th, 2008 at 8:01pm
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I guess I wonder about a, perhaps, unanticipated consequence of the proposed rule change by the WSU. That concerns those of us that shoot original Stevens 44 1/2's from rest. Suddenly we have gone from traditional to open class and been unfairly (my opinion) classified with modern rifles. I generally like WSU rules, but I am afraid that the reshuffle with the National Rifle Club really does an injustice to the NRC in that they were never a club that shot .22's and seldom shot cartridge rifles except by special invitation to the Massachusetts (did I spell that right?) Rifle Club. I understand what Steve is "going for" with the Schuetzen matches of the WSU. Unfortunately I can't think of a better way to do it. Maybe the thing to do is to hold the Bench rest matches under the auspices of the ASSRA. Just an idea.
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Frequent Elocutionist

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Re: Interesting post from WSU site.
Reply #26 - Feb 12th, 2008 at 9:13pm
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I find it most challanging to shoot off hand.  It's my worst position; but for THAT reason I shoot it - to build my skills.  Bench is ok, but with the .458WM off-hand is much to my preference.

Cat Whisperer (trk)
Chief of Smoke
Pulaski Coehorn Works and Skunk Works
Drafted May 1970, Retired Maj. U.S.Army
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Re: Interesting post from WSU site.
Reply #27 - Feb 12th, 2008 at 11:18pm
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Come on Steve you know as well as I do if you shoot a good offhand score at an ISSA Match and only shoot a fair bench score you will be at the top of the list! I have in hand three years of Match results from the ISSA Nationals at Raton and the top shooters only shot a fair bench rest score. Do really think the old timers would still be using the same equipment, loads, velocities, bullet designs, scopes etc. they used 100 years ago just to preserve Schuetzen shooting as you perceive it while at the same time losing Matches? What about Mr. Mann and all his experimentation and Mr. Farrow with a Rifle design that was way ahead of its time do really think they would have stopped progressing and been satisfied with where they were at? Do really think Pope, Peterson, Schoyen as well other famous barrel and rifle makers of the period would have stopped progressing in there search for the perfect design? Do really think you can entice a new shooter to spend a pocket full of money he really does not have to come out and shoot an agenda when he has no clue on how to read the wind, mirage etc. because the rules won’t allow him to go  to the sighter to get an education just as all of us have done in the past during our competitive shooting learning process and still have an enjoyable time?
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Frequent Elocutionist

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Re: Interesting post from WSU site.
Reply #28 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 7:15am
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Do really think you can entice a new shooter to spend a pocket full of money ... and still have an enjoyable time?

But that cooler of beer after the match makes up for all the frustrations!  That pause with friends suffering through the same challenges - that tidbit of information that will be the KEY to doing better NEXT time!

Any given issue can be an insurmoutable challange - we need to look at the process and enjoy it!

AND there are ALWAYS the few rugged individuals that STILL work at being able to put together a match-quality gun for under $(several hundered) - and don't we all spend bunch trying to do it too?  Grin


Cat Whisperer (trk)
Chief of Smoke
Pulaski Coehorn Works and Skunk Works
Drafted May 1970, Retired Maj. U.S.Army
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Re: Interesting post from WSU site.
Reply #29 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 7:25am
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If that's the way you feel about it why arn't you sticking to shooting modern Hi-power and modern bench rest? Thhose guys are after ultimate accuracy, not us.
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