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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Did I get a good deal? (Read 8257 times)
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Did I get a good deal?
Nov 4th, 2007 at 4:42pm
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I just purchased a original Hi Wall action with a new never fired 38-55 Badger barrel. It is a pistol grip action or possibly professionaly been made into a pistol grip. It doesn't have set triggers. The receiver has been reblued and looks great, while the barrel is in the white. It is a flat spring model. It has a very tight action and lock up. The barrel was married to the receiver, Headspaced and crowned by Lee Shaver. It has Lee Shaver globe front with spirit level and a reproduction lyman tang sight. It also came with 2 butt stocks. I know the guy and he wanted to by a new Lone Star roller. I know the rifle hasn't been fired because I seen the gun come back from the gunsmith. I paid $1,100. but, I wondered if I did all right because I don't know much about hiwalls.
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Re: Did I get a good deal?
Reply #1 - Nov 4th, 2007 at 5:35pm
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I think the proper term, is screwed, blued and tattooed. I'm just not sure if that's OK to say under the new rules.

So yes, you took it in the shorts. However you can save yourself the embarrassment and ship it to me and I'll get you your money back out of it.

Don't feel to bad Old Son, it was just a beginners mistake!  Roll Eyes
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Re: Did I get a good deal?
Reply #2 - Nov 4th, 2007 at 6:10pm
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The most accurate rifle that I own was barreled and chambered by Lee.  it is a low wall.  He also converted the straight tangs to pistol grip for me.   

Ya done well.  Enjoy it.   

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Re: Did I get a good deal?
Reply #3 - Nov 4th, 2007 at 8:47pm
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I have a Badger barrel on a Ballard in 38/55. It is a beautifull barrel and rifle. It has taken a lot of hard work to get this very pleasing to the eye, high quality barrel with a great reputation to shoot wonderfully medeocre groups. 

I think you got a good deal on the hiwall. I hope and will wish you the best of luck with your.38 Badger barrel.   

I plan on lovingly removing mine , and set it in a corner of the shop where I can gaze apon it in my spare time. I can reminisc about all the fun I had with that wonderfull barrel. All the perfectly good powder and lead that passed through it. I'm really going to miss that barrel.

Seem's to me a plain old action in good shape is worth 1100.00 buck's, isn't it ?? 



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Re: Did I get a good deal?
Reply #4 - Nov 4th, 2007 at 10:30pm
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westerner wrote on Nov 4th, 2007 at 8:47pm:
I Seem's to me a plain old action in good shape is worth 1100.00 buck's, isn't it ??       Joe.

I would expect you could buy any number of eagerly-offered high wall actions for $1100 each. Would you care to buy mine?
Good luck, Joe
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Re: Did I get a good deal?
Reply #5 - Nov 5th, 2007 at 12:07am
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No I dont need any more Hiwalls.  Thank you for correcting me.

I could be all wrong,   Wink



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Re: Did I get a good deal?
Reply #6 - Nov 5th, 2007 at 7:47am
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    I think you did indeed get a good deal.  No screaming great steal, but a very good deal nonetheless.  Everything you list about the rifle should make it shootable with no glaring errors in choosing parts.   Smiley

    Now you get to go through the trials and tribulations of load development, but that's part of the "fun?" of this whole game.  You mention 2 butt one the original?  If it is, and if it is a PG stock, then the questions in your other thread about a set trigger are easier to answer.  If the tang was bent "post-factory" you may wish to alter it further and make a set trigger tang out of it, also if it was bent by a gunsmith, be aware that one of the factory PG tangs may not fit your stocks.  Keep us informed and you know that lots of folks will chime in with all sorts of suggestions!  Wink

Joe and JD,

    I think the price of the receiver would indeed be less than the total he paid, but JD, I fear that original high-walls are quickly going to close in on the $1000 mark as the price of repros gets higher and higher.  I see beater rifles that would be bought for the actions and not good for much else being offered in the same range as henpeckedmuch's whole (if unfinished) project rifle, and since as I said in my note to him, the components all seem like desirable ones, he's not wasting anything with what he got.  So yes, westerner, the $1100 is a good price for the package, but I have to agree with JD that right now it's more than most of us would expect to have to pay for even a real nice action alone.  

    With the shutdown of Ballard for moving, this Winter's availability of 'wall actions will be crimped severely.  I'm sure glad I've got more to work on than I will have time for. Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!


PS  Henpeckedmuch, does this mean that now you'll come up and shoot with us @ the Chinquapin matches?   Cheesy

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Re: Did I get a good deal?
Reply #7 - Nov 5th, 2007 at 7:53am
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Personally, I would say that any good highwall action is already at $1k esp. if it has single set triggers.  For double set triggers, the going price will be well over $1k, probably pushing $1.35k.  Might be a bit lower on sidewalk and alley sales, but elsewise, they are going pretty dear these days.   

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Re: Did I get a good deal?
Reply #8 - Nov 5th, 2007 at 10:26am
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Want to see some magic, anybody offer me a Highwall action that's clean and not mangled by a buffer for a grand. I will break my arm getting out my wallet! It will disappear so fast you won't believe your eyes. Tongue
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Re: Did I get a good deal?
Reply #9 - Nov 5th, 2007 at 10:33am
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See - told ya so!   Grin Grin

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Re: Did I get a good deal?
Reply #10 - Nov 5th, 2007 at 8:39pm
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   I just recently bought a High-Wall at a local gunshow for $1000. It's been buffed and hot blued. It has a Bishop P.G. stock and buttplate and a beavertail fore-end wrapped around one very large barrel (unmarked in any way). It is chambered for the .219 Donaldson Wasp and the bore is clean but heat-checked for the first 5 inches or so. Surprisingly, the lands are still sharp, but look like a pair of alligator boots my brother once bought. The tang has been bent for the P.G. stock and is not original to the frame 'cause it's a single set trigger and the hammer has no fly. Did I get "taken to the cleaners"? Maybe, but it still shoots into 1/2" at 100 yards. I know it's not original, but the only "Original" rifles I've seen lately cost upwards of $4000 and, at that price, I'd be afraid to pull the trigger on a live round. Did henpeckedmuch get taken? It depends on what he uses it for and how much enjoyment he gets out of it. When it comes right down to it, something is worth only what someone else is willing to pay for it. If they're not willing to pay more than what it's worth to me, I get to keep it. I think I'll keep mine and I hope he gets as much enjoyment out of his as I do from mine.
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Re: Did I get a good deal?
Reply #11 - Nov 5th, 2007 at 10:47pm
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SteveC wrote on Nov 5th, 2007 at 8:39pm:

the only "Original" rifles I've seen lately cost upwards of $4000                 SteveC

Steve, my friend Clarence the Collector has an original deluxe checkered high wall PG rifle with HR SG butt, #5 half-octagon bbl in 40-70 SS, Winchester Mid-Range tang peep plus Cody letter showing all original, that he offered to sell the other day for $4000. How many of you have ever even seen an original #5 half-round bbl, much less on an original deluxe checkered PG rifle? BTW Clarence knows his Winchesters, he's had many pictured in collector's books and he usually makes a profit of around 100% on most of his dealings. For instance he had ~$25K worth in the last RIA auction with an investment on his part of ~$11K. I watched him pay $2150 for the $4000 high wall mentioned above.

So I must conclude that whoever is offering standard rifles for $4000 is dreaming or else is extremely lucky to live where there are folks who will pay that kinda price. IMO the rifle would hafta be in excellent condition indeed to justify that price.
JMO, good luck, Joe
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Re: Did I get a good deal?
Reply #12 - Nov 7th, 2007 at 7:15am
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recently, last week a god friend found a highwall with coil spring, in some sort of funny 22 center fire for $350, and a week earlier found another in rimfire for $500. both are in good shape and very shootable.
they are out there if ya look.
last one i bought was a 225 win for $500 about 2 years ago.
if you look at the websites, meacham, ballard and even c sharps you are looking at 1500 min to get one and that is also no sights.
so if it looks good and shoots its a deal.
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Re: Did I get a good deal?
Reply #13 - Nov 7th, 2007 at 3:18pm
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IMO the rifle would hafta be in excellent condition indeed to justify that price.
JMO, good luck, Joe

It occurred to me that the statement above could be misconsrued to apply to the original question and price. No, as a matter of fact I would probably have considered taking the original deal, especially if I wanted a Badger barrel. IMO a clean high wall action is worth the better part of $700 or even more if it's something special, but not as much as some have said.

Please take note that no one, repeat no one, has contacted me re buying either my high wall action for $1100 or Clarence's deluxe original rifle for $4000.
Sometimes (lack of) action speaks louder than words, regards, Joe
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Re: Did I get a good deal?
Reply #14 - Nov 8th, 2007 at 1:59am
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New Badger Barrel 290. Threading and chambering w/extractor cut 200, shipping to and from smith$???? leaves about 600 in action. I'd say that falls well within JD's price. You got a good deal. Jerry

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