Pete: I very often , in fact almost exclusively use a Lyman Postell bullet for Silhouette and Buffalo, wt approx. 528 +/-.5gr, 1/25. Same for the Creedmoor but with 535 gr. Feather: I think I used momentum in the correct sence in my last post, did'nt I? I ment hammers the target the hardest to knock it over. Pete, Paul, & Mary: Opps sorry I ment Brent, re: the clothing issue at the Cedar Valley Regulators rifle shoots at Ackley. I am not in "officialdome" either but have been on both the NCOWS and CVR Boards in past years. So this is my view, not official docturne, but I think its pretty close at least to CVR thinking, aomewhat divergent from NCOWS more hard line attitude. CVR is an affilliate club of NCOWS. NCOWS requires a period dress, of their members, for their events, and everyone else as far as I know. CVR. expects period dress of MEMBERS and on the other hand ENCOURAGES period dress of those who may come to the rifle events, I have never seen anyone turned away because of dress, and doubt it would ever happen. CVR wants rifle shooters, and wants them to come back and enjoy themselves and the sport. They also want your entry fees, that pays the bills and makes improvments. CVR would hope attendees are observent enough to figure out whats going on as far as dress goes, and maybe inquire about it, and for the next shoot they attend try and dress at least a little more toward period. I think its 1860-1898. I said a LITTLE more toward period, not a perfect ensemble, just show your trying to make some effort. After all if you can afford a rifle!!!!!!! If you have attended a CVR rifle shoots several times, and I know you have, and then show up in a baseball cap, tennis shoes, t-shirt and shorts, "they" wlll probally have a hissy fit, let you shoot, and then take you aside and most likly explain what's expected for next time. If you just don't get it "they" may take you aside, beat the holy crap out of ya, bust your rifle up and throw your body into the cow pies. PS , CVR is not an exclusive club, so you might consider membership. I've always thought shoot fees should be higher for non-menbers, but they are not. If you fellas don't like the rules, cloths etc. etc. , well you figure it out. Best regards steve witt