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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) 38-55 Reloading Questions (Read 13019 times)
Frequent Elocutionist

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Re: 38-55 Reloading Questions
Reply #15 - Jun 30th, 2005 at 8:05am
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I don't want to be the last in line to beat a dead horse but the bullets are your problem.

They are probably cast OK just don't suit your rifle. If they are that light they probably are too short for your twist and don't fit the leade properly.

Problem with our old cartridges is they were loaded for many different types of rifles. I suspect those were intended for smokeless loads in a lever action were O/L leingh was limited.

Send me a email with your address and I will send some 38/55's to you that have proven to work well in my CPA.

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Re: 38-55 Reloading Questions
Reply #16 - Jun 30th, 2005 at 4:04pm
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  Well, current thinking is that you can shoot a bullet to short for a given twist rate. I don't necessarily subscribe to that idea. In my opinion you can shoot a bullet to long for the twist tho.

I have shot a lot of bullets in the 150-165 gr. wgt. class in .32/40's with 1-14" twists and can say they shoot fairly well. At least as well as bullets in the 200 gr. class which are more suited for that twist.

  Of course a lot is going to depend on what kind of accuracy you are looking for and the yardages you want to shoot at. It is always best to shoot bullets of the proper length for the twist rate.

  If you are going deer hunting at ranges of under 200 yds., why do you need a 300 gr. bullet, and 1/2 MOA accuracy? Same goes for Schuetzen shooting. I've shot a lot of 255 gr. bullets in my .38/55 and at 200 yds. they are all you need. Why punish yourself with heavier bullets. You will definitely notice the difference in a 100 shot offhand, or bench match, or shooting that many bullets in re-entry matches.

  In the 1-15" twist with 300 + gr. bullets you are looking at a setup for Shilouette, or possibly long range shooting out to 500 yds. or so. Then a lighter bullet wouldn't work out well.

  If I recall right Cisco originally bought the gun with Shilouette in mind. But now he wants to try Schuetzen with it. His idea was to shoot lighter bullets, which in fact turned out lighter than than advertized. So, his problem is to try and get some kind of accuracy out of what he has. Now, depending on the length of those Meister bullets....... remember that it's length that determines the twist rate....... will depend on how well his rifle can do with them. Without shooting the gun myself I can't say whether his gun will give him decent accuracy.

  If after a reasonable test period with what he has, they don't work then he can proceed from there to a longer bullet.

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