JoeB, I was given Larry's website address and found it to contain (at present) only percussion vintage Maynards, BUT when I called him at the number given on the website, we had a long chat and he said he is just now up and running on the production of the later 1882 version. He also does repairs and restorations, and sells reproduction parts.
He further stated that his new improved webpage with much of that information should be up within days or at most a couple of weeks...he was hoping to put finishing touches on it this weekend. Anyway, here is the URL for Romano's Rifles;
(You need to Login or Register to view media files and links) Meanwhile, I was able to get in touch with John D. Bly via the phone number posted elsewhere on this board (540 869-2411.) Once you reach him, you can probably get an email address to stay in touch. He is making both replacement barrels and adapter rings to make modern cases usable in the 1873 Model rifles. He is sending me a brochure of his products and prices which should reach me by about mid-week as he only lives about 150 mi from my home. He might be your best bet for the barrel you are seeking as they are a regular part of his activities. FWIW, it seems that evenings (EST) are the best time to reach John. I found from John (to my disappointment) that you can't just put a Model 1882 barrel on a Model 1873 frame and shoot thin rimmed cases
but I am still hopeful that some sort of custom barrel is able to be made. Both Bly and Romano are active in the North-South Skirmish Ass'n and I am hoping to meet them both face-to-face at the May event here in VA.
What I am still having a problem with is the nominal .40 cal bullets for the Maynard, as the 1873 Models use a real oddball .424" bullet that no one seems to make a mould for. I am now trying to track down an original Maynard mould that I saw sold in hopes it is the right size.
I am assuming that all interested parties have seen the posts about Rocky Mountain Cartridges (Dave Casey) for newly made exotic shells that the Maynards require, but just in "case..."
(You need to Login or Register to view media files and links) Sorry for the length of this post, but I am summarizing a bunch of information from a variety of sources. 8)
Green Frog