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Browning BPCR Smokeless Load
Dec 12th, 2004 at 10:38pm
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Am looking for some help in a starting smokeless load for this BPCR rifle that I have in 45-70.  I know the BP fans are giving me the 1 finger hi sign, but I just do not have the time in my schedule to do all the extra case prep and cleaning that goes along with BP shooting.  I have had good luck with 5744 powder in 45-70 for my Marlin 95 CB shooting a 405g.  Wanting to shoot a heavier bullet in this rifle for long range stuff.  Could use a suggestion on commercially made bullets in the 500g+ size.  Have had reasonable luck with Bonus Bullets, their 520g Grand Master with BP loads.  Have not used any with smokeless loads.  The rifle is really fun to shoot and I don't want to hang it up just because I don't have the time for the black powder loading...
Would appreciate all the feedback...

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Re: Browning BPCR Smokeless Load
Reply #1 - Dec 13th, 2004 at 5:22am
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welcome mike
  Most manuals have load data. Useing there data will get you what you want. Try to stick with powders that fill the case most. If the cart was designed for black i use black.
   have fun karlis
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Re: Browning BPCR Smokeless Load
Reply #2 - Dec 13th, 2004 at 10:25am
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I have shot black in it and it really shoots great...  I know my schedule and I just don't have the time for the extra work to consistantly shoot the BP.  Thanks for the feedback
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Re: Browning BPCR Smokeless Load
Reply #3 - Dec 13th, 2004 at 2:03pm
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I haven't used any reduced loads (such as for trapdoors) but have had excellent results with heavy loads of IMR3031 and a heavy crimp with Javelina lube and the 500-gr Lyman 457125, also various 400-405 gr bullets, again with heavy loads of 3031 and a very heavy crimp. 3031 doesn't work well with light or uncrimped loads. Reloder 7 also has given very good preliminary results, again with heavy loads.
FWIW, good luck, Joe
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Re: Browning BPCR Smokeless Load
Reply #4 - Dec 14th, 2004 at 6:43am
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13-15 grains of Unique, a cotton or TP or (heavens forbid)Dacron over-powder wad, Remington 2 1/2 Lg. Pistol primers, and any bullet from 457191 to 457125 seated out as far as possible, at least .459", .460" is better, unsized, Darr lube. I've never seen it fail in 44 years. If it won't shoot, nothing will. Do I sound opinionated? Good!
joe b.
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Re: Browning BPCR Smokeless Load
Reply #5 - Dec 14th, 2004 at 9:22am
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Before you decide to load any fast pistol powder in that case, there's an artical in the new BPC News that you should plenty of reasons not to.

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Re: Browning BPCR Smokeless Load
Reply #6 - Dec 14th, 2004 at 2:51pm
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I have two Browning BPCR's - a standard BPCR in 40/65 and a "Creedmoor" in 45/90. Strength is not an issue, with black OR smokeless. I have never shot anything but black powder in either rifle. I am not prejudiced, I just bought these rifles to shoot black and that's what I do. Both, I have to say, are superior rifles.

If I wanted to shoot smokeless in the 45/70, I would just simply get Ken Water's books, "Pet Loads" published by Wolfe Publications and read the series he has on the 45/70 including ratings on the strength of various rifles. The Browning would fall into the "strong" action category. 

I have loaded my Marlin 1895 almost entirely with smokeless and find it is an accurate rifle but have only shot it at 100 yards. I have no experience shooting smokeless with five hundred grain bullets for long range use. 

The old NRA Reloading Handbook may have some data for you.
I am sure that it can be done. I have my doubts that you will be able to buy really match quality cast bullets from a commercial source. No one will spend the time necessary to produce match grade bullets like you will yourself - at least that has been my experience. However, YMMV.

I have a Marlin model 95 lever action ("new" rifle) and I will tell you, you can safely load the rifle with smokeless that'll make your retinas bulge. The Browning is even stronger. So, your choice of loads can and should be predicated on accuracy and comfort.

I recommend RL-7 for a powerful load. It burns well and due to small grain size measures extremely well. You won't need wads and the powder seems to work very well with black powder calibers. Loading data is available from a variety of sources that show loads with RL-7. The Hornady (4th Edition) lists loads for several different action types (trapdoor, 1895 Marlin, and the Ruger #1). You can use data for the #1 in your Browning if you need VERY powerful loads (with RL-7 you can drive a 350 grain jacketed bullet at 2100 fps). It that doesn't rattle your eyeballs, nothing will Grin.

Frankly, if you are just shooting for fun, use the Trapdoor level loads. Even with trapdoor level loads you can drive a 300 grain bullet from 1300 fps clear up to 1900 fps.

If you are serious about developing smokeless MATCH loads with cast bullets it CAN be done. You will find that with cast bullets, accuracy will be your limitation (you can only drive a cast bullet so fast before losing accuracy). If you are allowed to use gas checks, you can load to greater velocities. However, at the higher velocities and 500 grain and heavier bullets, recoil will definitely rear it's ugly head.

Good luck!

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Re: Browning BPCR Smokeless Load
Reply #7 - Dec 14th, 2004 at 5:11pm
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I appreciate all the feedback.  Seems like most opinions overall tell me to shoot BP or get into a different sport.  I see where they are coming from.  I shoot silhouette mostly for fun.
Cowboy Rifle to 200m.  The BPCR guys will let me shoot the rifle smokeless without an official score.  Since I only shoot for fun against my last score it doesn't make much difference.  Seems to shoot BP competitively you need to cast your own bullets carefully and then there is the labor involved in case cleaning.  Can't just dump them in the tumbler.  For smokeless loads most people including the folks at Browning recommend XMR 5744 with RL-7 a close second.
All seem to agree that I will not find an affordable match grade cast bullet unless I commit to making them myself.  Guess this is a place to start.
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Re: Browning BPCR Smokeless Load
Reply #8 - Dec 15th, 2004 at 12:55am
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Cleaning BP cases is actually rather easy. Just carry a milk jug (I actually prefer the much sturdier "All" detergent jugs) half full of water with a couple of squirts of "Dawn" dish water detergent. As soon as possible after firing the cases (just after the match while still at the range) decap the cases and drop them in the jug. Leave them in there for the drive home. When you get home, drain the water off and fill the jug a couple of times and shake/rinse them. I then pour the jug full of cases into a plastic kitchen colender (large bowl shaped strainer) to drain off the excess water. I have a large vibratory case cleaner. I just throw the wet cases in the vibratory cleaner and run it for 20-30 minutes. They come out dry and the cases are sparkling. Depending on what kind of media you use (I use "corned" ground cobs with Dillon's polishing compound) you may have to check the primer pockets. Of course, I use a loading press that runs a decaping pin thru the flash hole on the first stage - I don't have to worry about a possible blocked flash hole.

This is as easy as it can be (and I assure you it is thorough).

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Re: Browning BPCR Smokeless Load
Reply #9 - Dec 15th, 2004 at 10:34am
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I have been soaking them and then scrubbing them with a 45cal brush and then rinsing them several times, letting them dry and then tumbling them.  They still seem to end up having that blue/green corrosion inside the case when I am done. The cast bullets I have been using seen to vari by about 10g for a 520g bullet which I have been told will not work for BPCR matches out to 500 m.
Maybe I am just approaching this wrong and am making it more complicated that it really is.  I don't have time to cast my own bullets and to get someone that knows what they are doing to do it just is not happening either as they are busy casting their own.
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