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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Reloading the .22 Rimfire (Read 6396 times)
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Reloading the .22 Rimfire
Sep 25th, 2004 at 10:03am
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What is going on in regards to reloading the .22 RF?  Data, powder bullet design, results, etc?
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Re: Reloading the .22 Rimfire
Reply #1 - Sep 25th, 2004 at 7:11pm
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As I recall this got hashed over a couple of years back when we were on the old "shooterstalk" site.  I believe the up shot was that ASSRA rules call for factory loaded 22 rf ammo for our competition. Seen in that light it always seemed to me that the hazards of the enterprise exceeded the possible benefits.  Since a general rule of thumb is that as you reduce case size and bore dia the minor variables have an increasing effect on consistancy; it may be that  22rf reloading proved to be a exercise in futility.  I for one have heard little about it in recent memory
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Re: Reloading the .22 Rimfire
Reply #2 - Sep 25th, 2004 at 11:44pm
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Whatcheer & DWS,

  There was an article in The Journal last year(?) on this topic. I remember posting something to the effect that some shooters odwn around Tulsa had been pursuing the idea. The latest I heard they were going to try the .22 mag. cases as this would hold more powder. I tried it out a coupla times, but it became pretty obvious IMO that you'd need to go to a quicker twist to be able to use heavier bullets, and using the standard 38 or 40 gr. cast bullets you didn't really increase your accuracy all that much.

  I don't recall a rule in the rule book specifically stating that you couln't use other than factory .22 RF, but as DWS says it's not a particularly safe practice to be pulling bullets out of live .22 ammo. You'd be entirely on your own with this and individual R.O.'s might not allow you to use them.

  The whole idea seems to have died down as I haven't heard anything about it from the guys who went down to Tulsa last weekend.

  To show what would be needed..... I've been playing with a .22 Hornet using a 60 gr. spitzer bullet in a 1-12 twist barrel this Summer. In order to stabilize that bullet you have to get up into the 1600 fps range, and accuracy, and wind drift are no better than what you can get from a factory .22 RF, and might even be a little worse at this point in my experimentation. The best 200 yd. score I've been able to get with it so far is a 238-3c. Horizontal dispersion due to wind is what kills you.

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Re: Reloading the .22 Rimfire
Reply #3 - Oct 10th, 2004 at 9:24am
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While I'm not brave enough to try reloading .22's I did read that some yahoos are reloading them with 5 grains of Goex FFg. I'll leave that to braver folks than I.
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Re: Reloading the .22 Rimfire
Reply #4 - Oct 10th, 2004 at 6:49pm
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  Yeah... Got that particular email from BP-L myself this morning. According to the guy who did the loading/shooting the load he used was 5 grs. of 4F Swiss. I'd post the whole message, but the moderator is kind of finicky about copying things off his Lists without specific permission of himself and the author.

  The only dangerous part of doing so would be taking the bullets out without setting one off. But there are people with the equipment who would do this for you...... for a price I imagine!

  The .22 RF was originally loaded with BP, and if my memory is right it was with a finer grade of powder than 4F. It was loaded well into the 20th Cent. as many felt it far superior in accuracy to the early smokeless loads of the time. Man! Can't you just imagine several people shooting these indoors by the light of a carbon arc, or kerosene lamp? Probably heated by a high sulpher coal stove.

  Actually, sounds like a "fun" thing if you could find a source of primed cases.

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Re: Reloading the .22 Rimfire
Reply #5 - Oct 11th, 2004 at 6:47am
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What is the old cartridge which looks like a CF .22 magnum called?
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Re: Reloading the .22 Rimfire
Reply #6 - Oct 11th, 2004 at 10:20am
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  If I get you right you're talking about the .22 WCF. It was the basis for the .22 Hornet. The only difference between the two is the bore size. .226" for the WCF and .224" for the Hornet. Case capacity of the Hornet seems to be exactly the same as the .22 WCF and I've shot that quite a bit with BP. Lot of fun, but not particularly accurate beyond 75 yds.

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Re: Reloading the .22 Rimfire
Reply #7 - Oct 12th, 2004 at 6:10am
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I have answered my own question, at least in part (if all else fails, examine the cartridge). The specimen I have is headstamped W.R.A. Co. .22 EX. LONG. It is a straight case of what appears to be about the same length as the .22 WRF or .22 WRM with a flatnose lead bullet. The small size primer leaves very little rim.
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Re: Reloading the .22 Rimfire
Reply #8 - Oct 12th, 2004 at 10:49am
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  Learned something today! The only .22 EX. Long I'm familiar with is a rimfire case. Wonder what a guy could make cases out of so he could at least try it out.

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Re: Reloading the .22 Rimfire
Reply #9 - Oct 13th, 2004 at 4:43am
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I discovered that Buffalo Arms lists  .22 Maynard Extra Long cases as well as cases for the more recent .22 Cooper  Centerfire Magnum which they say is made from the same case. Could be a lot of fun.
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Re: Reloading the .22 Rimfire
Reply #10 - Oct 13th, 2004 at 9:14am
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Hi Guys,
   The .22 extra long maynard is a .228 bore dia. I'm working
on a project with that case necked down to .224. About to have the reamer made for it. It looks pretty neat. It will be a while before the rifle is done. I'm using a Stevens 44 unless I find something better?  Plumloco
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