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What velocity do you shoot with your .32's?
May 7th, 2004 at 12:35am
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I am trying to get my new Peregrine "up to speed" and wonder what velocity you fellows and gals are using when shooting schuetzen?

I am using a .32/.357 with a 201 grain Hoch bullet. The twist is 1 in 14", if that concerns you.

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Re: What velocity do you shoot with your .32's?
Reply #1 - May 7th, 2004 at 7:45am
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Dale53, using virtually the same parameters (right down to the rifle - but you knew that  Grin) I am trying to stay just above 1400 fps.  I am not using a chrono, but got data for the H-108 I am currently shooting from leadball, and for the AA-7 from our favorite gunsmith/developer/guru, Papa Charlie.  I don't have the grain weights with me, but will post them when I am near my books.   

GF   Smiley

PS  What kind of initial results have you gotten? Inquiring minds...
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Re: What velocity do you shoot with your .32's?
Reply #2 - May 7th, 2004 at 9:20am
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There are two ways to aproach this. The first is to adjust your powder charge untill your group shrinks. I have 2 32s that shoot best at 1450 fps. The one that I am wringing out now wants to shoot at 1350 fps. The second is to decide on a speed lets say 1400 fps. Then adjust your seater to .050" and start shooting groups. move your seating depth out at .005" at a time untill the groups close up. Usualy some combination of the two is necessary to get a really good load.

40 Rod
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Re: What velocity do you shoot with your .32's?
Reply #3 - May 7th, 2004 at 10:22am
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GF and "40",
That is exactly the info I need. That's a bit faster than I anticipated (that's why I asked Wink. Now, I have something concrete to work from. 

My results, yesterday, were nothing to write home about. I was doing better last fall when the rifle was in the white. Although, there was a bright spot or two. I really shouldn't be speculating at this time as I have only fired 50 rounds thru the rifle since it has been finished. Conditions started out pretty good but deteriorated towards to end of the trial, so they may have had more to do with the results than the rifle and load.

My daughter will be here this weekend from Salt Lake City, so I will NOT be going to the range until next week. It looks like I will be interspersing trips to the range and bullet casting. Sure wish I could buy bullets Wink.

Anyone else out there that want's to chime in please feel free to do so.


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Re: What velocity do you shoot with your .32's?
Reply #4 - May 7th, 2004 at 10:28am
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I dont' think newely blued barrels shoot as well as those that have a few hundred rounds thru them to get rid of the surface that the bluing created.   Shoot it for awhile and the accuracy that you had when it was in the white should return.

Martin Stenback
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Re: What velocity do you shoot with your .32's?
Reply #5 - May 7th, 2004 at 10:30am
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I've heard this before - shooting out the bluing in the barrels.  You don't really let bluing agents get inside the barrels you are bluing do you?  I sure don't and the better gunmakers I know, custom makers, both lacquer and plug bores before bluing.  I make neoprene expansion plugs to fit each bore before bluing.

I see no reason to intensionally allow bluing action inside any expensive target barrel, or even a cheap plinking barrel for that matter.   

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Re: What velocity do you shoot with your .32's?
Reply #6 - May 7th, 2004 at 10:31am
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In this particular case, I blued the barrel and I did NOT blue the inside. I DO appreciate your comments, tho'. The free interchange of ideas will help most of us (there is little benefit in trying to re-invent the wheel Wink.

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Re: What velocity do you shoot with your .32's?
Reply #7 - May 7th, 2004 at 12:32pm
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Great minds think alike! This is all good info for me too since I have a new toy in the same caliber to break in. I am shooting 30:1 Lyman 185gr stepped band bullet from one of Steve's moulds he shoots in his 32-40 rifle.I bought a 8# jug of H108 and plan to use Fed SR Match primers in .357 MAX cases. Since I am in a time crunch, I (with ALOT of Steve's help) put together a push seater. I will be making a compound lever seater next before the July shoot. I tried to seat a Dave Mos tapered bullet with the push seater but the large step in the base band made it impossible with a .328 dia band going into a .322 dia throat. Russw is sending me some from an older mould from Mos that has no such step. Plan A is to start at .060 ahead of the case and vary the powder charge starting at 10.8 grs and going up recording velocities as I go.

Anyway, thats my story and I am sticking to it Roll Eyes
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Re: What velocity do you shoot with your .32's?
Reply #8 - May 7th, 2004 at 2:48pm
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Fellows I personal have found the sweet spot to be just so the bullet is not tipping when it go thur the target! The slower the twist the more vel. it take to stop the tipping. And the slower vel. also help the wind drift.
And if you can cut 3/4 of a inch drift thats the difference between a 24 or 25. 
WinkI personal hope all you guy shoot at 1400 or above. LOL Kiss 


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Re: What velocity do you shoot with your .32's?
Reply #9 - May 7th, 2004 at 4:22pm
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So, what's the velocity that you are using? Twist and bullet weight?

Inquiring minds need to know Grin.

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Re: What velocity do you shoot with your .32's?
Reply #10 - May 7th, 2004 at 8:46pm
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Jim and I disagree on this subject so I'll offer my opinion--the manuels say if you start the bullet out at 1400fps or more you will still be above the speed of sound at the 200yd target. The experts say the bullet does all kinds of hopping and jumping as it goes thru the sound barrier--I see no reason to go back thru the sound barrier again.  I shoot somewhere between 1425 and 1450  about 13 grain [ AA#9  --H-108 ]in the BIG case [32/40].   I don't know how much powder [H-108--AA#9] would be needed in the small case 32-Dell  32 Miller short.   leadball
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Re: What velocity do you shoot with your .32's?
Reply #11 - May 7th, 2004 at 9:42pm
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I think I was at about 11.3 of H-108 in my .32 (you should excuse the expression, Pop Smiley ) DELL last year.  Charlie was originally prompting me to use 9.4 of the old Israeli AA-7 in that same case...all of this in my bench or his offhand Peregrine.  I have been having good luck with several bullets, but my bench gun seems to like the slightly lighter (185 gr) Ideal 319289 - the selfsame bullet that was mentioned by MI Shooter for use in his .32-whatever that is being built for him by Steve D.  I believe that was a .32-357 of some description as well.

BTW, Dale53...have you tried any of your stash of carbine ball powder in the new Peregrine yet?  If you can make that into an accurate load, you could be shooting into the next millenium from that one batch!  Grin

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Re: What velocity do you shoot with your .32's?
Reply #12 - May 7th, 2004 at 11:43pm
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Dale Grin
I`m using a Moe`s base band bullet that is 215 gr. My barrel is a Smith gain twist 16 to 11 1/2. My vel. is around 1300 fps.
My powder is H-108 around 10 to 10.5 grs Undecided

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Re: What velocity do you shoot with your .32's?
Reply #13 - May 8th, 2004 at 1:07am
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GF, Jim, and Leadball;
I thank you much for your comments. I now have a good basis on which to proceed.

My first results have been with Carbine Ball. Using my old Barnett mould bullet, I was getting decent results last fall when the rifle was in the white. The Barnett bullet was a bit too large for my Shilen barrel (was made for my Douglas barreled 32/40). I am now using a Hoch bullet (about 201 grs with my alloy). So, I am starting pretty much from scratch.

I will chronograph and shoot for accuracy again next week and will let you know how things are going.

I just love working with this rifle...

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Re: What velocity do you shoot with your .32's?
Reply #14 - May 24th, 2004 at 3:58pm
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Stage 2 of load work up has been completed. I did not set up the chronograph. The wind was similar to what we often see at Etna Green (four points each side of center on the Wind Probe). I only shot four targets - each 10 shots. Learned a bit about the rifle and how it reacts from a cold clean barrel, etc. 

Best target was a 247 at 100 yards - both bullets that were out of the center were verticals (as I expected). I expect things to get better as I get some more range time with this rifle. Typical of most offhand rifles, this one is no exception, rather unforgiving regarding hold. It MUST be held consistently. After Etna Green I may try out my barrel "sled". It should be easier to hold at the bench with that combination.

I do like my new Harrell powder measure and Sinclair measure stand. They are both "state of the art" in my opinion. They are both quite compact for the shooting box, also.

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